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He turned around and flashed me his lopsided grin. His black hair was pulled away from his face in a small ponytail polluted with stray strands. His skin was darker than mine and covered with freckles. He was wearing a white button up shirt and pants so baggy that I though he was wearing a skirt. 

“Jay!” He got up from the chair and wrapped his arms around me. He smelled like oranges still and I hugged him back. I had missed him so much. He pulled away and held me at arms length. “Look at you. You look so much healthier and happier!”

I laughed. “Where’s Soran?”

“She’s unpacking in the guestroom.”

Wait a minute? Was he staying here? “What are you doing here? Are you working here again?”

“What?” he laughed. “We’re here to stay. Lady Dupon invited us.”

Oh did she? “Great!” It would be good to spend some time with him again, and Soran. I felt homesick looking at him standing there.

“Kuna asked me if I wanted to help prepare lunch for old times sake. We can all eat together for once!” He laughed.

I nodded, just wanting to hug him again. We didn’t leave off on the best of terms and I had missed him more than I could ever think I would. He was my brother, and he practically raised me my entire life.

“Well, I pulled her away from the lady for this so I guess we should get you back, huh?” Maj ruffled my hair.

“Oh!” I had an idea. “Joshua, I want you to meet someone!”

Maj raised an eyebrow and Joshua grinned. “Really? Who? There’s someone I want you to meet too but it’ll have to be later. There’s so much to catch up on already.”

“Come on, follow me.” I tugged Joshua along. Maj looked skeptically at me and I gave her a small smile. Please don’t say anything. I wanted Joahua to meet Alexandra, even if I didn’t know what we were, I wanted Joshua to meet her. We walked the hallways together and I didn’t let go of his arm the entire time.

“So who is this super secret cool person I’m meeting?” He laughed.

“You’ll see. I really like her, I think she’s really. . . I think she’s amazing.” I turned to look at him. “You better be nice!”

“I love meeting people!” Joshua was mocked offended. “Why would I ever be cruel?”

Joshua had a habit of being a little too defensive or rude to people I had a crush on or people I was dating. Thankfully, he was never too mean. Even when he should’ve been--like with Jinan--Jinan was the first ‘real’ relationship I’d ever had. I’d had others but this one was serious. And Joshua was very nice to him. Coincidence? Entirely.

We walked back outside. Alexandra was sitting the gazebo, facing the garden with her back towards us. I had been so worried about Joshua’s reaction I didn’t even think about hers. She had almost always spoken to in a soft voice and treated me gently. She sounded cold and formal when speaking to Maj though. Everyone else too when I thought about it. Would she be upset that I’m bring Joshua to meet her? Would she have invited him if she didn’t? 

It was too late now.

I tugged Joshua over to the gazebo and took a deep breath. What do I address her as? Joshua took the decision from me and choose to introduce himself instead me introducing him.

“Lady Dupon, thank you for inviting me to your beautiful home. My name is Joshua Hern.” He bowed deeply. This is why the adults in our Coven loved him.

Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now