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[TW: Mention of SA and brief flshback/feelings about it. Read with caution]

“Could you pass that to me?” I motioned towards the rag in the bucket. I would’ve grabbed it myself but my hands were full of books at the moment. We had been cleaning for what felt like hours but it had only been an hour and a half. We had cleaned up the bedroom thoroughly and we were now working on deep cleaning the living room. 

“Here you go, Jayen.” She handed me the damp rag from her spot on the floor where she was cleaning underneath the couches.

“Thank you, poppet.”

“Poppet?” Alexandra smirked at me.

I placed the books onto the table to my left. “Yes, poppet. Y’know, the dear of endearment one would use for a lover.” I joked. “You have all these little names for me and I wanted some for you. If you’re alright with that.”

She smiled. “That’s very sweet, darling. Your home has a lot less plants then I thought it would. But a lot more mismatched furniture then I would’ve guessed.”

I wiped down the bottom shelf first. “What do you mean?”

“Dear there is no way you think that bright orange couch and that patterned rug match. Or that rug matching with the other one. Or that table with that bookcase?”

I pouted. “I can’t have plants in here because they get very talkative whenever I try to relax and the furniture. . . is quaint, no?”

“Whatever you say. . . poppet.”

“Okay! I’ll find something else!” I frowned.

Alexandra wiped her hands on a towel before standing up, “No, I was just teasing. I love it, dear, I promise.” She twinkled. “No one’s ever given me any nicknames or pet names.” 

“Really? Not even Alexa? Or Lexa, Lexi?” I raised an eyebrow. “I’m guessing your husband wasn’t much for pet names.”

She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on mine. “My sisters would call me Alexa but they stopped after a year, and Lord Alarie? He would use pet names. . . I suppose.”

“Oh really? Like what?”

“Nothing I feel comfortable saying to you.”

“Could I come up with a nickname for you?” I put down the rag and wrapped my arms around hers. I felt her nod against me. “What about Andra? Or Alex?”

She laughed into my hair, “You can call me Alex, I like that one but anything you call me would be wonderful.”

“Well then, giant, I need you to wipe off the top shelf for me if we want to be done by today.” I teased.

She let go and spun me around to face her. “I’m not that much taller than you.” Alexandra flashed me a cheeky smile.

“I’m literally eye level with your chin right now. I have to go on my tippy toes to kiss you. You’re tall.” I rolled my eyes.

“Really? Then prove it,” she said playfully.

I went onto my tippy toes as if I was about to kiss her before quickly moving to kiss the side of her neck where her jawline ended. She let out a soft gasp before grasping onto my hips. Looking up at her, I could see that her eyes were half closed and a red blush had fallen over her cheeks.

“Alex?” I giggled, “Are you okay?”

She just hummed in response, her blush deepened. “I think I’m going to go clean up the kitchen so. . . um, so we have somewhere to cook. . . I could cook or we could. . . together.”

Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now