Chapter 26

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"DNA Tests and Cheeseburgers."

"Look, InGen will cover the liabilities you paid, and you'll keep the profit the Indominus brought in. You send her to Isla Sorna, along with Mr. Grady."

Claire refused to curl her lip in disgust as she sat tall in her new office. It had been Mr. Masrani's, but she couldn't bring herself to change more than his name on the desk. She had called his surviving kin, and offered to bring them here so they could choose what they wanted from his office.

"I don't think so. Elise stays here. We'll pay her off, in increments, and you hand over all records on her. What makes you think she will stay on that island? Mr. Grady doesn't care for that island, and Elise has adopted my Tyrannosaurus as her mother. She's been integrated into Mr. Grady's Velociraptor pack, and those assets are staying right here."

Hart was beginning to look exasperated, and he sighed, "Look, I get she's smarter than a raptor, it's great she can say her name and open a ball, but she's just an animal."

Claire stiffened before leaning over her desk as she quietly said, "She has enough human in her that she guarded her sister's remains her entire life. She built a cave to protect the skeleton. She tried to get our help. Your veterinarian is very lucky he is not alive to answer for the abuse he cause those two. I will not sign over Elise to a prion infested island, and I know that Triceratops is from Isla Sorna. I have no idea how that animal got on this island, but InGen is going to be in a lot of trouble when I find out."

"Animals swim all the time, Miss Claire. We do our best, but sometimes one slips by."

"I now have a body count of nine of my own Triceratops! We lost our Alpha, and the herd is stressed! My Gyrosphere Plains are closed because of your 'slip up'."

The balding lawyer winced, but quietly said, "We are willing to cover those expenses, and loss if you hand over the Indominus quietly. She'll have her own space, far away from the infected animals, and Mr. Grady will be there."

"Mr. Grady will not leave his Velociraptors behind. Mr. Hart, I will say this one more time. Elise is going to stay here."

"...You know Jurassic World won't last without our geneticists."

Claire narrowed her eyes before snapping, "And InGen will never get business again after this major muck up of yours. It was InGen's call to set the Velociraptors loose, Mr. Grady did not approve of that plan. It was InGen who was responsible for Elise's security when she went on her rampage. Jurassic World kept its assets contained. It won't matter what the geneticists can create if you can't control them. Jurassic World knows how to handle these animals."

Hart couldn't help dryly saying, "Really?"

Claire raised an eyebrow before curtly asking, "Would you like to see the videos of Mr. Grady single handedly putting our Velociraptors back? How about him calming Elise down? Would you like to see opening day where she became the most popular attraction this park has ever seen? Jurassic World lost a week of business because of InGen, but we had all our animals contained by day three. It's been over twenty years, and InGen has only allowed their animals to run rampant over that island. I still have footage from the San Diego incident if you would like to review that."

Hart said nothing, and Claire folded her hands on the mahogany wood desk as she said, "The point is, InGen has absolutely no use for Elise when you can't even manage the health of your own animals. I don't care if we give Elise a choice on where she wants to live, she's not going to leave Owen, Rexy, or her new pack behind. She has family here."

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