Chapter 63

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Hey guys! Holy moly this is a long chapter, but it had to be. I didn't feel like making cliffhangers here, and it was really hard to write.

Anyway, ReginaDC21, I'm glad to hear your sister is getting better!

Kim K's Butt, you have to eat the 105 black licorice jelly beans through the straw first, and I love you too.

Guest, I probably will not add the OC, but I am really grateful you offered him.

Unknown, I'm a sly creature!

The Only Carrot, you can also add a meteor crashing to the list just because. I'm glad you liked Bark's point of view.

CMCMC, thanks for the idea! It's hilarious, and I'll try to remember it.

I know you guys are eager to get Sobek here, and so am I. He'll probably show up after the next chapter because I really want his tail over here. Elise shall be watching more Disney movies, I just wanted to wrap a few things up with Blake before doing another time skip over to Sobek.

Thank you much and mighty for your reviews and patience; I really appreciate it. Oh, before I forget, I am a woman. I never said anything before because I never thought it was important and I think it's hilarious to see the mixed between you guys. I really don't care if you call me Sir, dude, bro, etc, but I know a few of you were curious.

Anyway, enjoy; love you guys. You're all beautiful!



Bridges leaned against the back of his chair until the satisfying crack popped in the air. His office was silent, and even Carnifex had mellowed out by the late afternoon. He glanced at his watch before sighing; he was sure most of the workers had already left for home by now. Several had opted to stay in the sheltered bunkers for tonight.

There was a storm coming in and Bridges had a feeling it was going to rain incredibly hard tonight before turning into a lazy drizzle all day tomorrow. That made him nervous; he knew it was going to be a bad storm.

Sobek had gone back into the Recovery Room after it had been cleaned. The Spinosaurus had disappeared for a few hours before coming back to wait by the closed door, and Bridges took that as two signs.

Sobek was far sicker than he realized or another storm was coming in that his nest wouldn't be able to handle.

Given that Sobek had knocked over three, thick trees in his rage when he left, Bridges was willing to bet the second option was more likely. It wasn't the first time Sobek had taken shelter here from a storm, second time this year though.

Bridges had learned that watching his animals gave him far more accurate predictions than any useless weatherman he had watched. It was odd how they somehow knew what was coming, but Bridges would always watch the animals. He usually depended on Carnifex for that, but Sobek seemed to be a little more fine-tuned to just how bad the weather would be.

A sigh fell from his lips as he made sure the windows to his office were shut tight before he turned the lights off. He liked to sleep in his office a lot, the couch had cushions to die for, but he felt like going to his home tonight. It was still on the island, but his home was in this populated area. He intended to double check everything tonight just in case his workers had missed anything. It was simply what the boss did, and he didn't feel like dealing with flood damage if he could help it.

Bridges stepped outside and he could already smell the rain in the air. The clouds in the distant looked dark and angry, but Bridges intended to check up on his personal weatherman before making a round on the other buildings.

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