Chapter 16

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"Hey, Mama."

Owen carefully peeked over some bushes in the unusually quiet jungle. He really wished Rexy had a tracker in her, but the dinosaur had been too old by the time they were being used in the park. None of the dinosaurs from the first park had a tracker.

And Elise.

Owen still wasn't sure how he was going to tell her that she was going to get another one. He had been putting it off actually, and he hoped some other fool would draw the short stick and have to do it.

Owen knew he was close to the nest, and he trusted Tim to lure Rexy away. It was almost time for her feeding, and Owen had heard the loud footsteps shaking the ground as she passed by. Owen hadn't seen her, but if Rexy worked like clockwork, then it would be her. While Time was busy with Rexy, he would get Elise, and he would get her to a safe area where her leg could be tended to. He could get the vile of blood from her as well, but Owen didn't really want to think about that part.

Owen remained cautious as he stepped over some broken branches on the floor. He wouldn't put it past Rexy to ignore her meal if she suspected something was amiss. Even for an old lady who had lived in captivity for almost forty years, Owen never doubted her sharp, observant nature.

Owen had no idea how Tim had the balls to comfortably walk along here; he had seen a few trails made by the blonde man.

Owen pressed up against a tree as he peeked around the rough bark, and let out a sigh of relief at the sight of the nest. He couldn't see over the tall, dirt wall, but he had a feeling Elise would be comfortably curled up as she waited for 'Mama' to bring back the kill.

Owen looked around one more time before skittering over to the large nest.


Tim patiently waited from his tall platform. He had given the shrill whistle for Rexy to come get her food, and he had already laced it with medication. It was always funny to Tim how the old lady would give him a dry look each time she somehow smelled it, but she trusted him enough to not do anything stupid while she was sleeping.

Because absolute hell would be raised when she woke up.

Tim never used any heavy medication because Rexy would make it very clear of when she wasn't feeling well, and she would know exactly why. If Rexy had, rarely, caught something, she would be a fraction of a bit more patient. If she felt sick because of sedatives, then she would become the mortifying monster Tim had been terrified of when he first met her.

So, Rexy got light sedatives.

Rexy was fairly mellow considering her nature. She grew quiet, and sometimes gentle, around consistencies in her routine. Tim remembered accidentally locking himself in the paddock one time. His keycard snagged, and broke off before the door slid shut. Tim hadn't memorized the new code yet, and he stood there for a few seconds before a puff of warm air scared the life out of him.

Rexy had stood there in all her rightful glory, and Tim had clenched his butt cheeks. He didn't know what else to do, and he had no other way of unlocking the door. He froze in hopes that Rexy's vision really was based on movement, but that golden fire had already seen him. Her tail had only gently whipped back and forth as she continued to silently judge this disturbance.

It wasn't until a few minutes had passed, that Tim finally realized Rexy was waiting for him to do something. She had recognized him, and she was wondering why he wasn't in his normal spot, tossing a flare to her food. Tim didn't have a flare on him; it had been a Monday, he had forgotten it.

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