Chapter 13

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Please enjoy! No warnings as far as I know.

"New Home."

Owen raised an eyebrow as he parked his motorbike outside Elise's paddock. He was slightly concerned at seeing Claire's white car already parked, but he had to tell himself not to panic at the sight of Gerry's pickup.

Owen didn't see either of the two owners as he walked into the paddock, and he wondered if they were in the Observatory Room. He wanted to see Elise first, if she was fine, then everything else would be fine.

He hoped she had gotten enough sleep, and he wondered if she was feeling better.

Owen pushed the thick bushes aside before blinking at the empty clearing. He swore Elise would have been near her sister's cave, and he could still see some of the amber bones from where he was standing.

"Elise? Baby, where are you at?"

Owen retraced his steps to the large shade that had been tucked against the side of the wall. Owen didn't even have to walk near it to know Elise hadn't slept in there during the storm. None of the overgrown plants had been smooshed.

Had Elise gotten sicker, and tried to make her way over to Gerry?

Owen knew that wasn't right since the doors were still closed, but the panicked thoughts still clouded his mind. A loud tapping made Owen jump, and he snapped his gaze up to see Claire giving a small wave at him. Gerry was standing next to her, and she slid the window back. Owen raised an eyebrow, but asked, "Where's Elise?"

A small, dangerous smile pulled at Claire's lips, and Owen felt like he was in danger. A branch snapped behind him, and Owen whirled around. He came face to face with a wide open jaw of several sharp daggers, and a guttural growl vibrated his bones.

Owen shrieked as he stumbled, and fell into a thick pile of brush. He panicked at getting tangled in the thick vines, and he could hear Claire laughing hard. Then strong claws snagged around his midsection in a way that made Owen think of the claw machines that never let anyone win.

Elise remained gentle as she slowly pulled him up, and gave a concerned croon. Owen was still trying to get his heart rate under control, and he couldn't help growling, "Are you trying to kill me?!"

Elise bared her teeth, but Owen saw no anger in the warm, crimson eyes. She lightly smacked her teeth against each other while garbling at him good-naturedly. Owen let out a huge sigh as he went limp in the claws. He clutched his hand to his chest before Elise shifted him onto her large palm. Owen looked around when the Indominus had curled her hand close to her chest, and he could hear that powerful heartbeat. He glanced up at Claire when she giggled, "You look like a Ken doll!"

Owen felt like a doll; he just hoped Elise would be gentler than his niece. She liked to swing her dolls around by their hair or legs. However, Elise simply kept her palm flat while using the other one to almost create a fence so he wouldn't fall forward. Owen stood up before resting his arms on the top of her hand, and he said, "This is a nice view from up here. I could get used to you carrying me."

Elise crooned at him quietly, and Owen looked at his radio when Lowery said, "I'm posting that on our website, just so you know."

"You make comments at the weirdest times, Lowery."

Owen could hear the tech-geek shrug before retorting, "I'm the guy who gets to see what the cameras see all day. It's either watch the Triceratops fight for dominance, the ranger step in a pile of dino dung, or watch Elise scare the life out of you. Elise is hilarious, and people just about died at seeing her sneeze all over that reporter."

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