Chapter 57

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Hey guys! How's life?

We have another wonderful piece of artwork from blackdragon21! Link is in my profile, titled, 'Rexy's Nest'. Go check it out!

Anyway, with college starting Monday for me, I have decided I will try to update every other day just to avoid writing on school days. I'm sorry this chapter is short and almost filler, but there is important stuff in here that will make more sense with the next chapter.

Guys, Bridges was hallucinating. By the way, there is more than one Italian. I never said whose Italian butt Bridges liked.

Unknown, have fun at camp.

Kim K's butt, Kuro is an adorable name, and I hope he gets better :)

Andrea, I don't own a bike nor do I know how to ride one.

Lord Destroyer, in all sincerity, thanks for sticking with us this long.

egal, it is not weird.

Kothir, I can see that too.

Most importantly, I adore you guys, and I give my heartfelt thanks for all your reviews. I appreciate you taking the time to not only read this story, but also give your thoughts on it. Thank you, have a good day/night!



Romano gave a small sigh as he thumbed through the thick encyclopedia in his calloused hands. He needed to wait a little longer before giving Sobek another lactating ringer. At least the Spinosaurus still had that fire in him; Romano wasn't actually surprised, but it was still comforting to see it.

The man wiped his eyes tiredly before sniffing when he found what he wanted, he sighed again as he mumbled, "Hallucinations...let's see, things persons can see, hear, feel, yadda, yadda that no one else can...voices most common...voices can talk to one the person themselves...warn of about person's behavior...order them around..."

Romano scratched at his beard as he highlighted a few things before snapping his hard gaze up when a tentative knock interrupted him. He lowered his brows at seeing Daemon's assistant timidly walk in with that look on his face. The look that meant Romano would get to step out of the comforts of his medical profession of doctoring animals to take care of a particularly sick human who had mastered the 'I'm perfectly fine' illusion.

"What now, Jack?"

Jack pressed his lips before quietly saying, "He's...talking to Carnifex...again...I'm scared Carnifex is going to get really agitated like last time...or worse."

"You know where the pills are, Jack; they take care of the hallucinations."

The dark haired assistant paled before hoarsely saying, "I'd rather try giving pills to Carnifex..."

The fiery Italian was quiet for a few seconds before sighing in defeat. He finally stood to follow the stressed assistant as he said, "You get to come help me."

"W-What?! No! I mean, I can't...I have errands to run, Dr. Romano..."

Romano gave the assistant a dark look before snapping, "Sei uno stronzo."


The vet walked past him as he added, "I'll figure it out myself, Jack. God knows he'll just throw shit at you like last time. Pelted your sorry face with Skittles until you left."

Jack rubbed the back of his neck before quietly saying, "Mr. Bridges just respects you a lot more."

"Because I'm the only one around here, besides Sobek, who doesn't go belly up when he gets a little irritated. Just make sure his meetings are cleared until he can get enough shut eye, Jack."

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