Chapter 19

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I can see your reviews again, and it makes me very happy! Thank you for your reviewing, and I'm happy to say the park is now re-open! I've been so excited about writing this chapter, and I hope you all enjoy it!

"Hammond's Secret to Success."

Owen felt amazing after actually having a good night of sleep. He was ready for the day, and anything it decided to throw at him. Claire was absolutely pissed at him for teaching Elise how to swear, and he loved it. Things were returning back to normal. He was irritating Claire because she knew he was funny, and there was nothing she could do about it.

And now he had Debra to irritate. Owen already loved the relationship blooming between them. He had made an enemy before the park had even opened. She was really going to keep him on his toes.

It was going to be fun.

Owen smiled as he parked his bike out of the way, and smiled when Tim said, "Well, if it isn't the teacher of the year."

"The one and only. Please tell me what Debra's face looked like."

Tim snorted as they walked through the park. The bright energy was back, and the venders were back to their cheery selves again. Owen couldn't believe Elise had hunted through the plaza only a week ago.

Tim scratched at his clean shaven jaw before answering, "What would you do if a dinosaur flipped you off? She didn't even have a response for it, and Elise walked away. Classy little spitfire she is."

Owen laughed loudly at the truth of it. He felt so proud of his girl.

"So when is Rexy's first feeding?"

Tim stretched his arms out before answering, "Park opens at eight, we give an hour for the guests to get settled, and ready to go. First feeding is at nine. I think Claire timed it so guests wouldn't be torn between Elise or Rexy. Rexy is on the hour, and Elise is a half hour later."

For once, Owen had actually studied his schedule, and Elise's first viewing was at nine thirty.

Owen blinked when Tim playfully elbowed him, and asked, "You gonna watch, Neighbor? See how the professionals entertain the crowd?"

"What part of Rexy is supposed to think I'm dead are you not understanding? That old lady cannot see me because I have no idea if Elise will get into trouble for lying."

Tim burst out laughing before the two parted ways. Owen wanted to see if Elise was nearby, and Tim had very unfortunate goats to tend to.

Owen felt like today would be good.


Elise quietly sat in her territory. She hadn't really slept, and Rexy had finally kicked her out of the nest after shuffling too many times. Elise wasn't mad at her, and it felt nice to walk around.

Until she came to the pond.

Elise had peered into it to see her reflection, and she wasn't sure she liked what she saw. The human woman had hurt her with the harsh words.

But were they true?

Elise had spent a lot of time observing her own reflection, and she was starting to believe them. She didn't know what a freak was, but Elise did know what a crooked jaw looked like.

It looked like her jaw.

Rexy's jaws weren't crooked; they were powerful with a straight line of uniform daggers.

Elise opened her mouth to observe the crooked, crowded teeth all growing at different lengths. She wasn't sure if she liked that. She didn't care before, but she had never had anything to compare it to. Rexy was a perfect predator; the Alpha of this island.

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