Chapter 10

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We have a warning of potentially being grossed out by snot!

Enjoy you wonderful people you!


"Bless You!"

Owen gave a sigh when he turned his bike off in front of Elise's silent paddock. Now that it had been fully repaired, no one was ever around here. It was way too silent, and Owen wondered how Elise ever dealt with that constant silence; not even the birds were chirping over here.

At least her new paddock was much better, and Owen had very few complaints about it. It was massive with plenty of space to run around, and there was even a large pond for her to cool herself off in; Owen wondered if he could put some fish in there. It would give a wonderful excuse for him to go in there, but that was for another day.

The only thing that concerned Owen was who Elise's neighbor would be. He had nothing against Rexy, the little, old lady was a spitfire, but he wasn't sure how she would take to having someone like Elise so close to her territory. Claire had even known Rexy wasn't one who liked changes, even different brands of road flares were not something she would take kindly to. Rexy wanted a set schedule, and her territory untouched.

So how would she react to seeing Elise? The fence between them wasn't a solid concrete, it was electric fences similar to what Jurassic Park had used. Granted they were more powerful and stable, but would that do anything to a territorial carnivore like Rexy? No one wanted her constantly upset or feeling the need to patrol the fence frequently.

Claire and Owen agreed to give the two a week to get to know each other; maybe things would turn out fine.

Owen shrugged it off as he walked over to his own door, and slid the card down. Claire had given him the code to make a new password, and he would be able to use his own fingerprint after resetting the system. He didn't see a point though, the park was scheduled to reopen by next week, and Claire was really pushing her workers to make that date. She wanted all assets ready to go, Elise including.

Owen would have no problem with that; Elise would be the easiest one here to transport. The door silently slid open, and Owen stepped in. The leaves crackled under his feet as he looked around for any sign of his girl; it was really quiet, and he wondered if she was still asleep. He began to walk on the trail as he called out, "Elise? Baby Girl? It's, like, noon. Time to get up!"

Owen raised an eyebrow as he looked around the silent, thick trees.

"Where you at, Baby? Elise?"

Owen certainly didn't want to try and intrude on her privacy, but he needed to check up on her. Owen took a few more steps towards down the trail, and it seemed Elise wasn't here. He frowned before picking up his radio, and pressing the red button as he asked, "Hey, Lowery? Can you get some eyes in here? I can't find Elise."

The radio crackled, and gave some static as Lowery asked, "What? Elise? What do you mean you can't find her?"

Owen rolled his eyes before replying, "I mean I can't see her, do you know where she is-"

A loud sound Owen had never heard before cut him off. It almost like an explosion, but it trailed off into a low, pitiful growl. Owen couldn't stop himself from yelling as he accidentally tossed the radio in the air. He fumbled with it before finally catching it and whirling around, wide eyed and chest heaving.

Elise only sniffed at him apologetically, and Lowery quietly said, "Right there; she was following you for the past three minutes, Owen..."

The white Indominus slowly blinked at Owen before giving another sniff, but he still clutched his chest. Owen took a few seconds to get his heart back under control before saying, "Baby, are you trying to kill me?"

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