Chapter 46

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Hey guys! How's life? Good? Good.

I don't think I'll do many more movie nights with Elise, but I had plenty of suggestions, trust me. :) I forgot to somehow mention it in the last chapter, but Elise did see Godzilla 2014 for those of you who were curious.

Anyways, I guess we have a warning for a death; I don't think it was described particularly grotesque, but I'm just saying.

Guys! We broke 2,000 reviews! Holy moly and merciful double stuffed Oreos! That's amazing! Thanks for being awesome you guys!

And most importantly, thank you much and mighty for said reviews! I love you guys; seriously, you guys are hilarious, helpful, and lovely.



"Well, I miss you too, Beautiful. Did you get my present?"

Bridges smiled as he kicked his feet onto the shiny top of his walnut desk. He knew most high end businessmen preferred the alluring deep red of mahogany wood, but he liked the dark purple of his desk. He adjusted the phone on his ear as he listened attentively while glancing around his office. Pristine, lavishly decorated, but retained the class of modern taste. Reassembled skeletons of various, small dinosaurs decorated large shelves, but he was partial to the only taxidermy dinosaur here; a Compsognathus.

The little bastard thought it was high and mighty by trying to attack his expensive shoes. Bridges didn't take kindly to the scuffing, but it was fine now. Bridges had dealt with the minor problem in a calm manner. No one would ever turn the stuffed animal around; they wouldn't see the caved in ribs the taxidermist couldn't fix. Bridges had proved to the little scavenger the shoe was much more dangerous than it looked.

Icy blue eyes flickered to the shiny shoes, without a scuff, and Bridges replied, "I'm glad you liked the flowers, Clem. I know you appreciate flowers. Are you being treated well there? Are you doing well?"

Bridges gave a rare smile when he received the answer he was hoping for. He nodded approvingly as he swung around in his chair to admire the glorious view right behind him. What should have been a solid wall was now one, giant window that was kept spotless, and a railed platform lined the length of the window. The jungle was kept trimmed but never bare. It was a large paddock to roam around, but it wasn't exactly what Claire gave her Rexy. Bridges could see this inhabitant at all times if he so desired, and he liked being able to see his dinosaur. The inhabitant didn't mind the smaller paddock; Bridges kept the creature entertained with good hunts.

It was like keeping a large dog in an apartment; he kept his dinosaur exercised, and thus it behaved despite the aggressive nature. Bridges liked this one.

He was fiery.

"I'm glad to hear that, Beautiful."

Bridges blinked before frowning as he glanced at the phone. He turned dark, and remained firm in his tone though not angry at Clementine when he said, "Yes, you are beautiful, and if anyone says otherwise, you call me right away. I shall not have you put up with that for one second. Am I clear?"

Bridges crinkled his eyes at the response, and smiled; he turned soft as he gently said, "Good, and don't forget that either."

Bridges grinned widely when he caught sight of a few trees shuddering as they were pushed aside, and he gently said into the phone, "I need to go, Beautiful. I need to visit with my boy; I haven't seen him today yet."

The businessman paused with an amused look before giving a hearty laugh. He ran a hand through the silky, slicked back hair as he replied, "I did meet Elise, a few days ago actually. She's something else. Wonderful around children, and she can turn into very bright colors. Elise has a wonderful shade of purple I know you'd love."

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