Chapter 42

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Sorry for the short chapter guys, it was a lot harder to write than I thought.

Thank you for all the reviews! I really do appreciate all of them! Have a great day/night you guys!


"...Smell of Death."

Elise stared at the blonde man with a wide, enthused grin on his face. He had forgotten about anyone else as he raked over every detail on her form, and she wasn't sure what to make of the impressed whistle when he caught sight of her injuries.

"My God, look at you! Already have a few battles under your belt, huh?"

Claire stiffened when Bridges fearlessly walked over to Elise as he got a better look at the long, scarring gash on her leg, but he wasn't dumb enough to touch her. Owen curled his lip from the top of the platform; he had already been informed of Elise's apparent hiring in the ACU. He wasn't happy about it, but he knew Claire had her hands tied. He resisted the urge to hose Bridges down when the man exclaimed, "Truly a remarkable creation."

Elise glanced at Owen for a little help before a slight breeze shifted, and she immediately curled her lip.

Something nearby had been dead for a few days it seemed. It was the worst kind of rotting flesh that had baked in the sun for a few days before bursting at the gut. Luckily, it seemed to be coming from a smaller animal, but her sensitive nose still tried to shut the stench out.

She turned her crimson gaze back to the blonde man when he purred at Owen, "And the famous tamer himself; truly a modern day David in the lions' den story. Taming the Untamable."

Owen wanted to rub his eyes tiredly; he found Vic's long lost brother it seemed. Vic was always prattling about how Owen was brilliant for being able to outsmart the 'Swift Thief'; it was like an obsession that hadn't ended well. Vic just hadn't comprehended that they were animals with vastly different, dangerous personalities that rarely heeded their species' name. Blue was a Velociraptor, not a swift thief; it wasn't her nature. Blue was cunning, calculating, bold, and fiery. She didn't thieve swiftly, she bullied until it was given to her.

And now Bridges seemed focused on the alluring temptations of conquering a dinosaur whose name meant Untamable King. Elise wasn't that; she was soft and fluffy. Adorable, and almost childish at times. She didn't seek power over others, but didn't shy from a position of power if she could justify it.

But Owen wasn't exactly ready to forget the image of Elise before she was Elise. When she truly heeded the name of an Indominus Rex.

An Untamable King who easily stripped away the illusion of control from arrogant humans who thought themselves higher on the food chain than what they really were.

"I didn't tame Elise; I gave her the respect she deserved."

Owen was serious when he said he never tamed Elise. It wasn't taming when she decided to follow him instead of continuing her rampage. He felt like he had simply educated her about the world, and she decided she liked it. He felt like she had mellowed, and grown kinder, but it didn't feel right to apply the word 'tame' to Elise.

Because there was still enough Velociraptor in her that Owen would go to sleep wondering which part of her took over in moments of panic; times when Elise would react without thinking.

He wouldn't consider her tame if it was the raptor.

Maybe the word tame just brought about the wrong impression to him; Owen thought of a dog when he heard the word tame. Owen felt like a tame animal wouldn't consider eating him when he gave an order the dog wouldn't like. He knew Elise wouldn't eat him, but he knew he still had to be careful around his girls.

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