🌹 Dreams I Caught in the Night

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His hands encircled my waist and I rested my head on his chest, the sound of his beating heart the loveliest sound I'd ever heard. If someone had asked me how I'd fallen in love with him, what moment it occurred...I'd be at a loss for words. It was impossible to give one specific reason or pin-point a certain moment in time. Love never hit me like that. For me, loving him was almost like falling. Slow at first and then before you know it, you're tumbling head-first, wondering how gravity could have shifted so much, how you could be falling faster and harder with each passing moment. And yet...there it was. There was love, there was him and every single thing on this earth I had ever dreamed of having in my lifetime.

I felt his lips press to my forehead then and I nestle deeper into the warmth of his arms and the safety I had always found there. Some say I live in a fantasy land, living out dreams and fantasies through prose and poetry...that he'll never feel the way that I do. They say he's toxic, he doesn't love me and that I deserve better.

But they don't understand, they've never met him. They've never heard the sound of his laugh or saw his smile when I walked into the room. They've never held a conversation with him and watched his eyes light up at a shared interest or something that he loved. They haven't seen the way he talks to children, the way he's kind and caring to those around him. They don't know him...yet sometimes I wonder though if I ever truly did. That maybe I was seeing the side of him I wanted to see and not what was there. But my heart, my head could never be convinced of this. They don't know him like I do.

His fingers ran the length of my arm, making goosebumps pop up across my skin as a shiver skitters down my spine. No matter how many years had passed, he'd always had that effect on me - I suppose he always would. The wedding band on my hand catches the bit of moonlight peeking in from the bedroom window then and I can't help but smile, remembering the day so vividly. Maybe I didn't get the fairytale wedding with a nice, fancy dress, an expensive venue or the mother of all wedding cakes. But I did get something that no other woman had gotten - none I had known anyhow...I got love. A lifetime of it, pure and true and endless. A man that will always be there for me, love me and take care of me. A man who fights for me and holds me in his arms in the darkness of the night, only to wake up with butterfly kisses on my lips in the glow of the morning.

He will always be my forever, my one and my only. The sudden sound of feet on the floorboards brought yet another smile to my face and before I know it, three tiny bodies are catapulted onto our stomachs. I laughed at their excited chatter, wrapping my arms around the one closest to me as their father gathers the other two to his chest. There were times when I had to pinch myself to keep myself from doubting the truth of this, the way my life had evolved. It was all too perfect. I had never seen myself as a mother, a wife and certainly not a lover. It was everything I had wanted but never voiced aloud. All thanks to promises, faith, and a security in knowing He'd bring it all to pass for me. Knowing that this was the best thing I had needed, yet still felt unworthy of. Are we always unworthy of gifts? Sometimes I think so. Of this magnitude anyhow. I could never deserve him, deserve our family or the lifetime of love and joy it had brought along with it. But no matter what happened...

I would always be grateful.

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