🌹 Hollowtree

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Author's Note: I have no idea when I first wrote this - probably in 2007 or 2008. Obviously, heavy editing was required though (LOL) and I did add several extra details, blending some Creole and Native American culture into a fantasy world of my own design. I hope y'all enjoy it <3

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The sun shone brightly on the horizon, lighting up every inch of the blanket of snow that covered the sprawling forest of Hollowtree. Sunlight filtered through the leaves of towering trees, their branches glistening with the sparkling white coating. All was quiet as the creatures of the forest lie in hibernation, safe in the warmth of their homes.

This was the first snow the country had experienced in 300 years. And because of this, the inhabitants of the small village of Raeha were celebrating. Beautiful decorations lined the paths and huts, colorful streamers were strung up across the village square, and snowflake wreaths adorned every door.

Bliss Caudieux had been appointed to help with the village's decorations by her own mother, Colette. Colette herself had long played an important role as the official medicine woman. All came to her for healing, including those in neighboring villages. In part, it had been the very reason Bliss and her mother had moved here to Raeha when she was very young. Her father had been executed for being apart of the Trouroth Rebellion of 772 when she was only a babe of four moons. The pain of that loss coupled with the swiftly moving repercussions forced her mother's hand and they quickly found themselves settled into Hollowtree. Consequently, Bliss had never known any other home.

Brushing back the bangs of her chestnut-colored hair, Bliss gingerly stepped out into the wide meadow. Her feet crunched on the snow and a smile lit her face at the sound. Truly, she felt as giddy as the small children of Raeha at the prospect of the snow. Despite the bitter cold, the celebration would be something to remember for years to come.

"This must be the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my whole life..." a soft yet masculine voice rang out, breaking the wintery silence.

Bliss snapped her head to the sound, her dark brown eyes locking on a contrasting shade of emerald green. The man slowly began to smile as he began to walk closer to her, the sun lighting up strands of his straight, blond hair.

"I've been here a thousand times over but never have I caught a glimpse of you before. What is your name, fair lady?" he asked, a foreign accent coating his words with the sweetness of honey.

Of course, he would have to be foreign - calling her a "fair" lady when her skin was clearly the shade of melted caramel. She bit her lip, hesitant to answer. But upon more thought, she wasn't but a stone's throw away from the village roads. What harm could come of it?

"Bliss Caudieux," she answered him.

He smiled wider, taking a slight bow before reaching out to kiss her hand, "Alistair Etherstone, Duke of Hemdale, at your service,"

Feeling a bit on edge, she attempted to move away but Alistair had a very firm grip. Effectively overpowering her efforts, he pressed his lips to the back of her hand regardless and she felt a shiver race up her spine despite herself. Blushing slightly, she immediately wiped the back of her hand on the threadbare apron tied around her waist.

"It's very nice to meet you, your lordship, but as it is, I find myself very busy at the moment. So, if you would please..." she trailed off, desperately trying to leave.

"What are you doing with this?" he asked, sidestepping her reproach as he slowly began to pull back the sunflower-yellow cloth of the small basket hanging from her arm.

Agitation flaring up at his forthright behavior, she slapped his hand away in a unladylike yet completely satisfying manner.

"I'm collecting seaberries for pies. My village is having a celebration in honor of this beautiful snow. After 300 years, the elders never believed we would have another. That's worth celebrating, don't you agree?"

"A celebration? Oh, you must be from Raeha. They always did celebrate inconsequential things such as the "first snow" and such," Alistair said in a matter-of-fact voice, a haughty undertone to his words.

"We do not!" Bliss retorted hotly, "Just because Hemdale only celebrates trivial days such as the "princess' first birthday", does not mean the rest of us has to adhere to them!"

Alistair tiled his head to the side, watching her with an intense gaze, "Has anyone ever told you how lovely you look when you're angry?"

She could feel a blush creeping up her skin but she tamped it down, shaking off these unwanted feelings this Duke was evoking. She was about to snap back something scathing when the man shrugged, taking a step back from her.

"Well, it seems I must take my leave as well. Father expects me for dinner. Evidently, the Princess Henrietta is having her first birthday," he smirked and I rolled my eyes at the jest, "Goodbye, Bliss of Raeha. May we meet again very soon."

He winked before turning on his heel and beginning the long trek of the way he had arrived, waving once as he did so. Politely, she waved back to him with a small smile but it slipped into an expression of deep confusion. Alistair was a bit baffling, to be fair. He was forthright but sweet, overtly vain yet charming in his own way...

Hm...Bliss would just have to figure him out herself. Yes...may they meet again very soon.

And with this last thought, she walked in the direction of the snow-covered bushes that held bright blue seaberries. This would be a celebration to be remembered.

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