Bonus Content - Valentina & Antonio

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This part happens before Alejandro's marriage and immediately after Val discovers she is pregnant.


"Are you kidding me?" I asked, looking at Antonio as he packed up things for just a doctor's visit. "It's a regular checkup, Anto, not a delivery."

Since I told Antonio about the baby, he had been baby proofing the place as if a fetus of three weeks would pop right out and run around. I was sure, had it not been for my yelling and screaming, he would have packed me too in a bubble wrap.

"It's just a precaution, Valencita," he said, grabbing a bag from the top shelf of the cupboard. "In case we need to stay at the hospital."

I moved closer to Anto, addressing his back. "And what would make us stay in the hospital?" I patted his shoulder, turning him around.

Sighing, he left the suitcase open, running his hand through his hair. "Why are you being so stubborn? I said it's just a precaution."

Oh, the once ruthless man was now being a scared, concerned father.

I bit my lower lip, holding onto my laughter. Nodding sideways, I looked up at him. My palms cupped the sides of his face, making him focus on me.

"Anto, why are you being scared?" I needed to know what resulted in him acting in defense than his usual, carefree attitude. Clasping my arms around him, he pulled me closer.

"Because I'm scared. Okay. I'm scared for you and the baby. I'm scared that something will happen and that all these happy dreams of mine will vanish. So-"

"So nothing," I said, placing a finger across his lips. My heart melted at his concern. I couldn't help feel the flutter in my stomach at the way he was taking all kinds of precautions for me. Us. I had seen various forms of Anto but this one - this kind, utterly and madly caring form was the first I witnessed. "Nothing will happen to any of us. I know that."

After a brief pause, he sighed, shaking his head. "You promise that if you need anything or you feel anything different about your body, you'd ask me for help?"

I chuckled but Antonio was serious. He continued staring at me for long till my laughter subsided and all I could do was nod. "Yes. I promise."

At that very moment, he dragged me closer, nestling me over his chest and smothering me with love. There was something about the way a strong man turning into a puddle of concern had me feel all kinds of horny. Maybe, it was my flaring hormones.

I nuzzled my way into the crook of his neck, breathing slower for him to feel me. I knew his weak spot, one where he felt ticklish. Instead of his usual chuckle, Antonio grunted in a lowered, rumbling tone.

"What are you doing, Val? We need to be at the hospital in twenty minutes."

"The doc can wait," I said, dragging my teeth over the side of his neck and up, nipping at his right earlobe. "I need my baby daddy to satisfy me right now."

The moment I said it, Antonio gripped the back of my neck, tilting me away from him. He leaned closer, playing the same game like me, breathing down my face. His greenish eyes glistened with a strange light - one which only mean trouble.

"How badly do you want me, Cariño," he asked, running his tongue over my collarbone. It trailed goosebumps in its wake. "I want you to say it."

"So bad that if you don't start right now, I'd have to play with myself."

Antonio loved a challenge. More so, when it came from me. Picking me off the floor, he held me in his arms as if we were going to cross the threshold of our home and walked me to the bed.

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