27. He is Loco

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Gabriel kept a steady pace on our way home against my wish to rush back. He even cracked a joke on how desperate I was to see Val. Had it been the beginning of our marriage, I wouldn't have hesitated to boil him in my anger.

Since Spain, things seemed to have shifted in perspective. Val wasn't just a womb for me anymore. Her vulnerability pierced through my armor the other night. In her weakest, she sought for me. I was glad to be available for her, elated that she didn't hesitate to seek comfort in my hold.

There was something about her, staying strong even during her lowest which crawled its way through all the shields I held up. Like a bullet, it crashed through all of it. It hit the deepest part of my heart, rounded up my soul. I wanted to hold onto her, never wanting to leave that girl who cried over my lap.

As the roof of the house danced at my eye level, I patted Gabriel's side. He accelerated, winking at me through the mirror. Val's text danced in front of my closed eyelids. Since yesterday, I read it over and over. Hearing her voice in every word, her breath in every pause. It kept me warm at night when she couldn't.

The long driveway felt like a never ending road. We cruised through it but my eyes remained glued at the open entrance doors. The mansion had never been so inviting. One person's presence made this house a home again. I knew, there was a million things we needed to talk about, issues we needed to sort, most important among them beginning with my apology for treating her wrong.

Maria was right. She used to nag about the day when I would have an epiphany about Valentina's role in my life. I used to ignore her words.

Like the sunlight finding its way into creek and crevices, finding its way, that day too arrived. I knew what Val meant to me and wasn't scared. Her vulnerability gave me the will to take the next step. I was consciously taking the first step to a peaceful living. I was willing to move on from the darkness of my past. I was finally burying Elena in my memory. She was the love of my life, she would always be. But she was also a memory which held me back from any feeling. I was carrying the weight of her imaginary dead body over my shoulders and it was time for her to be laid to rest.

I shrill scream shattered my thoughts. Gabriel speed the last lap as I pulled out my gun. From my place I could see our men rushing inside the mansion. Halfway there, he pumped the breaks. We tossed off the car, finishing the last few meters of feet before sliding into the hallway.

Darting to the kitchen, the crown of men dispersed, making way for us.

A woman was wailing in the corner as my eyes trailed the crimson drops on floor to its source. Our guard dog was bleed to death. Maria was holding onto Valentina, who watched all this in horror.

I walked over to the help who straightened and wiped her tears as I approached.

"You saw who it was?" I asked. She darted her head for a no before peeling her hand from behind. A blood smeared card with letters in bold laughed back at me.

Take one of mine, I kill all of yours.


This wasn't a mere threat from him. It was an act of war. Valentina moved like a jungle cat, unheard. Only when she stood beside, did I notice her presence. In her silken robe, she wasn't oozing charm, she was dictating commands. Looking over, she pulled me aside after taking the note off the help's hand.

"There is a mole here," she said, scanning the people present in the kitchen in a matter of seconds. "I am sure the security cameras would be cut too. Whoever did this, would want to stay hidden."

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