42. The Gut Feeling

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We may have considered Santos Salazar's threat as mere words but over a week's pondering, I had come to the conclusion that there was more to him than what he portrayed. I believed him when he said about destroying me. I knew, a man with his ego and madness would so anything to destroy others, whoever crossed a line with him.

Unwilling to take any chance, I dialed up my friend. Vincent Nazario ruled the New York grounds since his father's demise. Studying together, we grew close but not without the brawls boys had. Only when his family needed help escaping the conviction charges, they sought asylum in our place, thus forging the bonds of loyalty.

"There I though you forgot about us after marriage," he mocked through the call. I knew this day would come. "So why calling us now?"

Dad was right about inviting allies to the marriage. It was my unwilling to recognize Val as my wife, the sighed documents as marriage. I didn't want my friends to acknowledge my second marriage or the woman who came alone. The decision went down the wrong pipe for many.

But Vincent and I go back beyond fights of those kinds.

"I wanted to invite you to the one that I will have soon, the one with everyone."

He cleared his throat, chuckling. "Don't tell me you are getting married again. Who is she?" with a concerned voice that emerged, Vincent asked.

"It's Valentina." My answer only resulted in his laughter. He drew deep breath, coughing. "And now you are invited, Vince."

"I ain't coming for the same marriage. But I am willing to let you be our guests, if you both decide to honeymoon again. We would be happy to.." his voice sank to what seemed like a soundless bottom. "I am happy to take you both as a guest." His words confirmed the spreading rumor. His marriage was in shambles. Yet, I wanted a confirmation. "Where is Gemma?"

He signed the instance her name was spoken. "Gone back to her family," he whispered. "She has left long back."

Gemma, the free spirited being was a part of our family. Gabriel's sister, she was the head of security who protected Vincent from dangers he never even knew he had. After a quick elopement, their marriage failed without any news of troubles.

I had heard all this from Maria, who was always worried about Gemma's happiness. After all, she was her favorite. But that was before Val or Sofia made an appearance in her life.

"Gemma's home?" I asked. He hummed his answer.

After a quick talk and invitation to meet us all, I ended his call and dialed Gemma, who picked up on the first ring.

"A little bird told me you were back?"

She chuckled over the call. "Yes, if that bird is my ex, then yup, I am back." Her voice elongated for a moment, searching for the right word. "Don't tell Gabriel. He doesn't know."

I was taken aback. Gabriel was acting strange for a long time, longer than I have ever seen. With Vincent's confirmation, I knew it was Gemma's news that surrounded him but her words made me think again. If Gabriel wasn't aware about his sister failed marriage, then why he was behaving differently.

"I won't." I clicked my lips and so did she. It was our way of promises, since we were kids. "Listen, Gem, I need your help." Retelling my concern, I was lucky to rope her in without much trouble.

After I ended the call, Gabriel walked in. The smile or expressionless face that he usually carried was replaced with a sadder version. It was clear, he was hiding something.

What, I couldn't put a finger on.

"Something's bothering you, Gabriel," I rose up to match him. His eyes matched mine. "I want you to be focused on the consignment. So tell me what is it?"

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