Epilogue ~ Onto the next

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The more days pass, the more we moved away from the day it all began. The Spanish inquisition, as Agustin lightly puts it. The day I kidnapped Sofia for a deal with her brother, Santos.

What stood as a barter became the noose that rounded up on my neck. Sofia was engaged to Nico, yet my brother and Val decided against it. She was thrust onto me as if I was supposed to protect her from everything.

I recall her childhood. Those times when the Salazars used to come for a vacation to our beach house. She used to follow me like a lost puppy. And now, here I was, getting married to her. The same woman who was everything that I detested.

Weak, winy.

I don't understand why Valentina would decide on me when a perfectly capable and loving Agustin was ready to take her as his wife. I never liked Valentina for her intrusive ways of getting me to do her dirty work. And now this.

A marriage just to keep Santos Salazar happy. Why was nobody considering what I wanted? All I ever asked for was nobody to interfere in my ways of working. But apparently, that was too much to ask.

Months have passed since the day we ended the ordeal with the Castros. Since then Antonio and Santos have remained inseparable.

"Now... now." Agustin walked into the room. His eyes fell on my tie. Smirking he adjusted it. "You look handsome as ever, brother. I am so happy for you."

"I know." Sadly, my happiness ends today. "Is everything ready?"

He nodded. "Someone is eager to walk down the aisle."

"I just want to get it over with." I placed a hand over Agustin's shoulder but he moved back. "What's the matter?"

Looking at the maroon carpeted floor, he spoke in a lowered tone. "Nothing. Just that Sofia is a good girl so..."

I pulled up his droopy shoulder. "Last chance. I can run away and you can hide behind a mask or something and get married."

He chuckled. Although his smile returned, I knew well when he faked it. And he was faking it to the best of his capability now.

A knock on the door turned us to new entries in the room. Antonio and Val walked in. She appeared flushed than usual. Her growl resonated inside the room when her legs trembled at the point where the tip of her heel met the carpet.

"Get out, get married," she shouted at me. "I want to get out of those freaking shoes."

The heel she stood in were like bamboos. Thicker at the top and thinner at the base. Mamá and Sofia followed the usual process that was set with Val. They went shopping for wedding stuff and whatnots. I remember walking in the hall where Sofia sat in between the rows of heels she stacked up. The red ones were picked by Val, which now with her swollen feet seems to be killing her.

"Why don't you wear shoes instead?" I offered.

Silence befell the room. Antonio and Agustin whispered a soft ouch before moving back, one step at a time. I looked at their odd behavior before turning to Val, only to witness her fuming. Val looked like a parched being, craving for blood. Her peering eyes and heaving chest weren't as intimidating as was her fluttering nostrils.

What did I do?

"Did you call me fat?" She growled. The room was shaking with her wrath except for the corner where my siblings stood, giggling.

"No. I asked you to wear shoes. I didn't call you fat, Val."

In a blink, Val moved close to me. I was sure she was possessed by something demonic, the way she looked. No amount of whatever shade of pink she wore mellowed her flaring red tone. She held my lapel and pulled me lower to her level.

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