5. Let's get it over with

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"Okayyyy," placing my body over the cushioned chair, I sighed. The team that would make my transformation from rags to riches was handpicked by Maria. At one point when the interviews were conducted - yes, there were interviews for selecting the bridal team, I felt as if Maria was vicariously living through me.

In my attempt to know more about the Moralez family, I had spent a lot of time with Agustin, knowing their likes and dislikes. Although mingling with the new family before the wedding was looked down upon, Maria was more than happy to allow it.

She wasn't a lady of old customs and traditions. She was a woman of new rules who favored family bonds. Blood ties were considered of high regard in this family - the closer the blood bond, the thicker the boil. It made me wonder how my plans about Antonio would affect this family.

"There, there...don't twitch your face," the makeup artist - Kirata, holding a foundation brush, stroked it over my cheekbones, holding my face still. "I told you to get your beauty sleep, Val. Lots of it. You don't listen, niña."

Her voice was irritated and rightfully. I, her mannequin showed flaws. Kirata had to spend more time making me look perfect, reapplying makeup. Pulling me up from the chair, her instruction paced up.

"Vamos...Now the dress..."

Her team assembled around me, disrobing me. I held onto the last inch of velvet fabric over my lingerie-clad body. I wasn't a shy girl but I would rather not be naked around strangers.

"Ahhh... Intacta," Kirata smirked, beaming proudly like my virginity made her happy. I wasn't. But her implication made me roll my eyes, my blood boil.

How dare she assume that? 

Dropping the robe, I straightened, unbuckling my bra. The air-conditioner worked at double power with the presence of so many in the room. Every bristle of hair on my body stood in attention, a trail of goosebumps followed.

"No asumas que todos son vírgenes!" I scoff at her. 

Kirata's assumption was wrong and the realization that her mannequin bride wasn't a virgin didn't go well with her. She walked away as I pulled the gown up. Her assistant chuckled softly, helping me with my gown. I gave her a soft smile in return.

"You were quite daring to say it," she said, bending down and rising, zipping my gown.

"It was required," I stated confidently. "People shouldn't assume a woman's virginity as her strong suit."

The zip ran till my mid-back, tightening my body into a meat casing. I held onto the chair, bending my head in the wake of nausea. My hands trembled and so did my body. Its nerves, I reminded myself.

"You might have to wear your bra," she picked up the garment which dropped on the floor - my sign of rebellion. "The dress won't let you breathe. You...are..."

"Busty? I know I have good boobs." As always, I was proud of my assets. Not one to hide my body, I was always comfortable in my skin. Yet, I wasn't stupid either to walk down the aisle without a cage for my breasts. After all, they had a mind of their own. That little stunt to shove away the lingerie was only for Kirata who wanted all her brides to be pious, untouched.

Fucking bitch.

Donning the gown, I walked out. Dad stood outside the bridal room along with Nicolas; the wild stallion of our family and my cousin. He was my first crush and the first man I wanted to kiss. Yes, I was a pervert when I was eleven, wanting to play with my cousin's tonsils.

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