Chapter 14

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Charles was standing in front of the mirror, adjusting his tie.

"Please tell me you won't be gone too long." Sarah came behind him, hugging him and gazing into the mirror with him.

"Just a few hours my love." Charles turned around and kissed Sarah. "This is going to be a very important meeting for my business. The executive will be there."

"Are you nervous?" She asked, taking notice of his shifting eyes and subtle shakiness.

"A little bit, yeah. But I'll be okay." He assured her. "What would you like for dinner? I'm stopping at the grocery store on the way home."

"Hmmm.. I've been wanting to make chicken parmesan." Sarah pulled her thin lips into a smile.

"Sounds good. I love you." He leant in for a tender kiss before pulling away. "I will call you when I'm on my way home."

"Good luck, my dear." She smiled as she watched him grab his suitcase and head for the door.

Once he left, she watched him from the window as he got into his car and drove away.

Charles was driving down the busy road, looking at all the tall office buildings. His stomach grew weak with nervousness.

About thirty minutes later, he turned on a street and his destination was just a minute away. He gripped the steering wheel, sweat lining his forehead. He wasn't sure what was making him so nervous this time.

"You have arrived at your destination. Your destination will be on your right." The GPS voice spoke through the speakers.

He parked on the street next to the curb. He got out, grabbing his phone and slipping it into his pocket. He adjusted his suit and tie, making sure his appearance was okay in his car's reflection before stepping on to the sidewalk.

He reached the door, then rang the doorbell, patiently waiting.

The front door opened, revealing a goregous woman with tanned skin and platinum highlights throughout her ash-brown hair.

"Maria?" He asked. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was. She was even more gorgeous in person, prettier than her profile picture.

"Charles?" She asked, putting a hand on her hip, pulling her lips into a devilish smile. "Come on in." She left the door open for him, and the two entered her home.

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