Chapter 15

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2 months later •

Sarah's baby was born.

Charles and Sarah had a daughter named Trinity.

The couple couldn't be happier with the blessings they had, and the more they pictured coming.

Sarah didn't work, as she had to stay home and care for the baby. Charles had to work every day just to support them.

Charles was happy. Right? He had everything he wanted. He was with Sarah, they were getting married soon, and they had a beautiful baby together. Things couldn't be any better.

Was Charles really satisfied with his life? He displayed his happiness with Sarah, and around his family, everyone imagined them as a happy, perfect couple. Of course, neither of their families knew the truth. Charles told his family that him and Lana simply decided to break up, it was a mutual thing. No hard feelings, it was a healthy breakup. Sarah's family had no idea about Lana, they just thought that her and Charles instantly hit it off and nothing but blessings were coming their way. No one knew the truth.

Charles never changed. No matter who he was with, he always remained the same, unfaithful man with the double life. He would work, find a woman to hook up with on the side, then come home to his soon-to-be wife Sarah and their daughter Trinity.

But everyone thought they were perfectly happy, right?

Lana was doing better. She was going out more, she was focusing on loving herself. But that didn't mean she was completely healed. She still thought about Charles nearly every day. Some things you just can't get over.

She knew about Trinity. FaceBook is a wonderful thing, isn't it? She was able to find Sarah's page, and felt nauseous at all of her posts involving Charles and their daughter. Tears fell from her eyes at the sight of their newborn.

Weeks passed and Sarah was starting to catch on to Charles' behavior. He started staying out later, showing less affection. The anxious feeling was growing in her stomach but she refused to address it.

Thoughts roamed her head, and she started to come to conclusions.

Lana's doorbell rang, and she put down her book and walked over to answer the door.

Once she opened the door, she was slapped across the face and pushed.

"I told you to stay the fuck away from Charles." Sarah spat, she was furious.

"What?" Lana rubbed her cheek, wincing at the pain the slap inflicted on her.

"I'm not fucking stupid. He doesn't even love you. That's why he's with me. You think I wouldn't find out you've been sleeping with him again?!" Sarah pushed herself inside Lana's house.

Lana stopped in her tracks, lost and confused. "You think I've been sleeping with him? Are you serious?"

Sarah stood her ground, "I know it."

Lana pushed Sarah back, defending herself. "You were the one who stole him from me. You think just because you're his side piece that you're suddenly so important to him? You don't get to come into my house, and disrespect me. You lost your fucking mind, you weak bitch." Lana surprised herself by saying.

Sarah scoffed. Before she could say anything, Lana kept talking.

"You have no idea how much I loved him. And maybe I still do, deep down. But I will never, ever forgive him. He hurt me. He left me with his baby and I miscarried. Don't you see what type of person he is? It doesn't matter who he's with. He will always find someone better looking for him. I told you that he'll do it to you too." Lana said. The silence after her speech made the air thick with tension.

Sarah clenched her jaw and remained angry and pissed off. Lana's words were piercing through her with shards of the truth, but she refused to believe. She turned on her heel, then faced Lana one more time before walking out the door.

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