Chapter 12

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Lana had shifted away from her body as each day had passed. The pain in her chest was indescribable, no doubt that the emotional and physical pain were both as strong. Charles was gone, leaving Lana with broken pieces to pick up herself. It seemed like everything in her world was falling apart. Once he left, everything else tumbled down like dominos.

Lana had a miscarriage.

She was out of her head for a while already. She didn't pay attention to the symptoms she was having. The immense stress, the pain inside her head and the pain physically. It seemed so perfect in the beginning; a shiny engagement ring, with the upcoming wedding, the family they planned to have. It was an illusion.

She laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling in sadness.

She broke from her trance at the sound of knocking on the front door. She slowly pulled herself from the bed, opening the door.

"Thank you for coming." Lana quietly said as Amber leaned in for a tight hug. She had a few bags with her, as she planned on staying the night to keep Lana company during her hardest times.

"Have you eaten anything today?" Amber asked, setting her bags down next to the couch.

Lana shook her head.

"I'm ordering us some food then, okay?" Amber picked up her phone and sat on the couch beside Lana.

About half an hour later, they were sat together watching a comedy while eating Chinese food.

Lana finally broke the silence. "I really appreciate you coming over and being here for me. You're a great friend." She smiled lightly.

"Of course. I know you'd do the same for me." Amber smiled. "So.. how have you been feeling lately?"

Lana frowned. "I'm not doing so good. It's like everything I had coming was just ripped away from me."

Amber hugged her once more, consoling her.


A few days later, Amber left and went back home. Lana started to feel a little more stable, stable enough to be on her own now. Amber, of course, offered to come over and stay whenever Lana needed her.

Lana was walking around the grocery store, pushing a shopping cart. She finally felt comfortable enough to go out and get out of the house, after weeks of sadness and pain. It wasn't much, but it was still a step ahead for her.

Suddenly, she froze when she saw two familiar faces at the end of the dairy aisle. Her entire body felt light and weak, like she would faint any minute.

Charles, and the red-head from the cafe.

She started to connect the dots and the time line. She bumped into the familiar looking woman a long time ago at the cafe, who claimed she was pregnant. Her eyes narrowed down to her stomach now, which was noticeably bigger. She was holding on to Charles' arm as he pushed a shopping cart loaded with groceries. She was absolutely horrified.

Lana forgot how to move at this very moment, she couldn't believe her very eyes. So this is what happened? This is why Charles left? This is why he seemed so off, and suspicious? It all made sense now. Charles was the love of her life, and he decided to give Lana's dreams to someone else: the other girl, carrying his baby.

Since Charles left with nothing but a text, Lana never got ahold of him again. He was gone before she could get to him. She called and texted several times, only to never get an answer back. Charles blocked her in every possible way of contacting him.

He didn't even know she had a miscarriage. He completely abandoned her anyway with the baby, showing he did not care about her at all.

At the end of the aisle, the red-head caught Lana staring at them in shock. Her eyes widened, too, as if she was connecting dots too.

Sarah knew what Lana looked like because she found her social media pages. After Charles explained everything to her, she frantically went online to search of this woman, afraid she would try to come back and win Charles over again. She hated Lana, a lot.

To avoid being seen by Charles as well, Lana darted in the other direction, pushing her cart in front of her. She left it front of the bathroom, and ran inside, hoping to have lost them. The sight of the two of them made Lana weak and angry. Tears strolled down her face. She couldn't confront him, she knew it was useless. Charles made it very clear that he wanted no part of Lana anymore. And fighting was useless.

Seconds later, the bathroom door opened again. Lana's head shot towards the door, spotting Sarah.

Sarah slowly walked closer to her, with an intimidating look on her face.

"You stay the hell away from Charles, you hear me?" Sarah spat.

Lana knitted her eyebrows in anger and disgust. "Who the fuck are you to tell me that? That was my fucking fiance. You stole him from me." Lana yelled.

Sarah just laughed. "Was your fiance. But looks like he found his true soulmate." Sarah lifted her hand to show off a shiny engagement ring.

Lana was appalled. "You really think he won't do the same to you?" She was shaking in anger.

"He's a very sweet, honest man. He just fucked up, is all. Of course he loves me and not you. I mean, he came to me and told me the truth, he didn't tell you anything. Which means he never respected you." Sarah responded, completely unbothered. She took one more step closer. "Stay. Away. From. Him." She emphasized each word. "Or else."

Sarah turned on her heel and left, leaving Lana by herself. She turned to look at her reflection in the mirror, her body trembling.

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