Chapter 18

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"Will you just talk to me?" Charles broke the silence between him and Sarah.

She was holding their baby in her arms as she sat on the couch, facing the other way.

Charles' alarm went off, and he reached in his pocket to shut it off.

"Oh, look at the time. It's time for you to go to work. Or fuck around with some whore. Better hurry or you'll be late!" Sarah said sarcastically.

Charles gripped his fists in anger. He was boiling in rage. "That's not me anymore. It was a mistake, I fucked up okay? How long are you gonna hold this against me?" He raised his voice, causing Trinity to cry.

"Just get the fuck out. You're making my baby cry." Sarah patted Trinity's back while glaring at Charles.

"She's MY baby too. She's our child, damnit." He slammed his fist on the coffee table, causing Sarah to flinch.

Charles grabbed his suitcase and walked out of the front door, slamming it behind him.

Seconds later, she walked over to her cellphone that was on the kitchen counter, dialed a number and held it to her ear.

"Hello?" Lana answered.

"We need to do something." Sarah replied.

Lana was confused. We? This was no longer Lana's problem or concern. She understands Sarah's pain and frustration, but what does she expect her to do?

"What are you talking about?" Lana asked.

"He's a fucking asshole. He's narcissistic. He's being so angry and aggressive, he's not even trying to apologize or anything. I can't stand him." Sarah vented on the phone.

Lana sighed. "You need to leave him."

"I know I do, and I will. But that's not enough. I need revenge on him. We both do." Sarah said, Lana was confused on the other line.

"Like.. what?"

"I don't know, something to make him realize there's consequences to his actions. He needs his karma, and he's gonna get it. He ruined both of our lives, and I'm not gonna just sit here and wait for him to go find another woman's life to ruin. No, it ends here." Sarah explained.

"What should we do, then?" Lana asked. She wasn't sure what she was doing, either. She knew Sarah was hurt just as much as she is, but she wasn't sure what kind of plans Sarah had in mind.

"I'm gonna think about it today. He left for work, or so he says. With the silence in the house, I can think it out." Sarah told her.

"Okay." Lana replied.

"I'll text you later. Thank you for talking to me." Sarah said and they both hung up the phone.


There was a knock on Lana's door. She was in the middle of preparing lasagna for dinner. She placed the spoon down beside the dish and walked over to answer the door.

"Hey." Amber smiled and Lana's face lit up in excitement.

"Thanks for coming!" The two hugged. "Dinner's about to go in the oven."

"Sounds great. I brought some movies over we can watch." Amber showed the selection of movies.

"Scary, funny or romance?" Amber asked. "We don't uhh.. we actually don't have to watch romance, I forgot-"

"It's fine. I think it's about time I stop moping around. I've come to the conclusion that my ex is a horrible person and I'm lucky to be free from him." Lana smiled, surprising Amber.

"Look at you, that's right Lana! So you wanna watch Love Twist?" Amber asked.

"Sure." Lana pulled her lips into a smile, then continued to prepare to lasagna to go in the oven.

About an hour later, dinner was done and smelled heavenly. The whole house smelled delicious and the two were starving. They were sat on the couch in front of the TV, plates in front of them while Amber set up the movie.

"You need to teach me how to cook like you, Lana." Amber said before putting another forkful of lasagna in her mouth.

"I will." Lana smiled. The movie started,  with a dramatic opening.

"I uh.. I have to tell you something." Lana turned to Amber.


"Well.. it's Sarah." Lana started.

"What happened?" Amber looked worried. "Is she still threatening you?"

"No.. it turns out, Charles is doing the exact same thing to her. He's been cheating the whole time. Even way before I found out about Sarah, he's been cheating on me. And she came to me the other night, upset and distraught. Imagine that? She came to me." Lana explained.

Sarah paused the movie. "Oh my God. Wow. That's just... Charles is a fucking asshole." Amber couldn't hide the disgust on her face.

"She threatened me and now she's coming to me for help. But that's not the craziest part. She called me today and said she wants to get revenge on him. I don't know what she means by that." Lana said before taking a bite of her food.

Amber was silent for a minute. "What the fuck?"

"Yeah.." Lana said, turning her head to the TV screen.

"To me, she just seems weird. She's insane over Charles. Why can't she just leave him or something? She wants revenge?" Amber raised an eyebrow.

"She might just cheat back on him or something. That's all I'm thinking of. But why would she need my help?" Lana asked.

"I have no idea." Amber replied, then resumed the movie. The two of them stopped talking about it and continued to eat and watch the movie.

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