Chapter 9

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Charles jolted awake by the sound of the front door shutting. He looked up, and saw Lana walking in with groceries. He rubbed his eyes and checked his phone, seeing that the time was 6:30.

Lana didn't look at him, she just walked past him and set the bags on the kitchen counter, and began unloading the groceries.

Lana spent her time going to the park, driving around, then eventually going to the grocery store because she planned on going today anyway.

Charles got up and without saying anything, he started to help her unload them. She stopped and gave him a weird look. "Why are you helping me?"

"Look, I'm really sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have treated you that way. I love you." He said, looking Lana in her eyes, the way that always softens her.

"I don't understand how you freaked out on me so badly. And you didn't even check on me or ask me where I was," she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, looking up at him.

"I had time to cool down and I wanted to leave you alone, I realized I was being a dick to you and I'm sorry. Then I fell asleep, I'm just stressed out. But I'm not gonna use my stress as an excuse to treat you badly anymore. Please forgive me." Charles said softly, manipulating Lana into believing him and accepting his apology. He wrapped his arms around her, and her tensed body started to relax. She was still upset at him, and confused, but all he had to do was say the right things.

They finished unloading the groceries, and then sat back on the couch. Lana rubbed her stomach, feeling slight pain in her back as well and she was just uncomfortable.

"I haven't felt this kind of pain since my last period." Lana thought to herself. The pain was only subtle, and it went away in a few seconds.

Charles rubbed her stomach, and looked up at her asking, "Baby, what's wrong? You're not feeling good?"

"I'm okay, I just need to relax." She assured him.

The two started to watch a movie, and talked a little bit more. Towards the end of the movie, Charles offered to make dinner. He ended up cooking porkchops and rice, and they ate it while watching another movie that Lana put on.

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