Chapter 19

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Sarah kissed her baby's head before placing her in the crib. She looked down at Trinity for a few seconds, smiling. She then left the room, turning the light off and leaving the door open slightly.

She picked up her cellphone, and began typing out a message for an unknown woman.

After sending the message, she placed her phone down and sighed. A wave of relief consumed her. Her plan was coming together.

Lana's phone buzzed while she was pouring boiling water from the tea pot into a mug. She looked over and grabbed it. It was a message from Sarah.

"I need you to meet me at my house. ASAP."

Lana raised an eyebrow in confusion, trying to make sense of the message. It was early morning, seconds before 10 AM. What could Sarah possibly want?

She typed a message back then set her phone back down on the counter, fixing together her tangerine tea.

"Give me half an hour."

After Lana got ready, finished her tea and threw her brown cardigan on over her clothes, she grabbed her phone and purse and headed for the car. She's never been to Sarah's house before, and she still didn't understand why she needed to be there, asap. Sarah had sent her address and eagerly waited, pacing back and forth until she heard a car engine and a door shut in her driveway. She peaked out the window and sighed in relief. Her hands were trembling, nervousness plastered across her face. She thought long and hard about what she was planning on doing, but she needed Lana's help.

Sarah opened the door just as Lana was about to knock. Sarah looked terrible. Her attempted makeup was only smeared and thrown together, and her hair was a frizzy mess. She looked like a disaster, and Lana was waiting for answers.

"Are you okay? What is this all about?" Lana asked, and they were both sitting on the couch.

"I .. I just needed to talk." Sarah said, but Lana didn't buy it. It had to be something more.

Lana looked around, and as if Sarah knew exactly what she was thinking, she gave her confirmation. "Trinity.. my baby, she's with the babysitter."

"Oh." Lana replied, shifting in her seat.

"I arranged a meeting between a woman and Charles." She replied.

Lana looked extremely confused. "What?"

"Yes. In a motel down town. I had her message him on Facebook and plan for them to meet at a motel, to hook up. But when he gets there... I will be there. You too, I was.. hoping." Sarah seemed out of her mind with her fidgeting and shaking hands. She was making no sense and Lana was concerned. She wanted no part of whatever this was.

"Why are you doing this? I'm not going there. I don't even wanna see him. Are you serious?" Lana was getting upset.

"I've had it with him! He used us. He's used hundreds of girls. I can't take it anymore. When he gets there, we'll just.. I don't know, scare him a little. Tell him he fucked up and-" Sarah went on before Lana cut her off.

"This makes no sense. You know how long it's taken me to build myself back up and get him out of my head? This is just fucking stupid. What do you expect to get out of this?" Lana was firm and eyeing Sarah who was shifting uncomfortably.

"Just leave him. I know he hurt you, he hurt me more than anything. We were together since we were kids. How do you think I feel? And yet I walked away from it and carried on. This won't do anything. And the fact he's willingly meeting with a random woman. He doesn't fucking respect you." Lana was raising her voice.

She knew, deep down, that Sarah only wanted one thing: for Charles to change and love her, only her, and give up the hook-ups and be the man she thought he was. Setting him up made no sense, but Lana knew. She just wanted Charles.

"He's not gonna love you. I'm sorry. He's not gonna change for you. He didn't for me." Lana crossed her arms.

"But.. it was different. He was different, with me." Sarah covered her face with her hands.

"Look, I'm sorry." Lana got up.

"Are you gonna come with me and do this or not? Because I will, I will by myself. That's your choice!" The sudden aggressive tone in Sarah's voice made the air thick with tension. Lana flinched.

"Do what, Sarah? That's what I'm not getting." Lana responded, she was now standing by the kitchen counter as Sarah was on the couch.

"Forget it. I gave you a chance." Sarah was tugging at her hair and now looked insane. She was falling apart. Lana was just standing there, confused and out of place.

Sarah grabbed her keys and purse and frantically fumbled with the doorknob. She ripped open the door and ran to her car, almost crashing into another car as she reversed and drove off.

Lana grabbed her purse, and sat for a second trying to figure out what the fuck even happened. It made no sense. Sarah clearly wasn't well, and it scared Lana. It scared her how much Charles had completely destroyed these two women. Sarah was a chaotic mess falling apart and not well at all. Lana was doing well for herself, but the pain always ate her up inside. She sighed. Sarah shouldn't be driving like this. Who knows what she was planning on doing.

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