Chapter 16

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"Hold on sweetie, I have to call your dad to see if he's on his way home." Sarah spoke to her child as she balanced her baby on her hip, picking her phone up from the coffee table.

She held the phone to her ear as it rung. Trinity was crying, fussy and hungry. Sarah set the phone down, putting it on speaker as it continued to ring while she got a bottle ready for Trinity.

"You have reached the voicemail box-" the automatic receiver went on to indicate that Charles didn't pick up. Sarah sighed, hanging up. She then sent messages to him, trying to get his attention.

"When are you coming home?"
"Where are you?"

Sighing, she left her phone on the coffee table as she fed her daughter. Lana's words from the other day circulated through her head over and over again.

"You think he won't do the same to you?"

He couldn't possibly do that to Sarah. Especially when they have a child now. Sarah was naive.

Charles opened his car door and sat down in the driver's seat. He adjusted his suit and tie, making sure his hair and appearance was the same as when he left his house earlier in the day. He noticed a little mark on him, but adjusted his coat to make it unnoticeable.

The female he was just with stared out the window in awe as he drove off. Adoration was written all over her face. Her blue-dyed hair was a frizzy mess on top of her head.

Charles looked down at the passenger seat, at his phone. He picked it up and saw the several missed calls and messages from Sarah. He sighed and even rolled his eyes at annoyance.

"Hello? Charles where the hell are you?" Sarah was already yelling as soon as he called her back.

"I'm driving home, I'll be there soon. Relax." Charles stayed calm.

"Trinity has been a handful all day and you won't even pick up your phone to see how she's doing. What has been keeping you so busy?" Sarah pressed.

"See you later." Charles ignored Sarah's questions and hung up the phone, tossing it on the passenger seat.

About twenty minutes later, Charles finally walked through the front door. Sarah sat up immediately, eyeing her suspicious husband.

"I was working. Can you please back off?" Charles said before Sarah could even speak.

"I can't believe how you're acting right now." She crossed her arms.

"Yeah, I can't believe how you're acting either." Charles rolled his eyes.

"You're unbelievable." Sarah pressed.

Charles ignored her, instead he went to their bedroom to get a change of clothes and towel. He set his suitcase, jacket and phone on the bed. He trailed off to the bathroom to take a shower, not saying another word.

Sarah carried Trinity, who was now sleeping to her crib. She then sat down on the bed, holding her forehead up with her hands. Tears started to fall down her cheeks.

She looked over at the bathroom door which was now shut, and the sound of the shower running could be heard.

Sarah got up, but then looked down at the bed.

His phone.

She quickly grabbed his phone, turning it on. Of course he didn't have a password. It just made things much easier for what was about to happen.

Sarah's heart dropped at the several messages between him and hundreds of girls.

All flirtatious, all seductive and all women he's been hooking up with.

Her vision blurred with tears as she kept scrolling, finding more and more messages.

Once she decided she's had enough, she threw his phone at the bed, huffing angrily. She picked up his jacket and even noticed a faint red lipstick mark on the collar.

Sarah trembled. She was incredibly naive, unaware of all of this. She just couldn't believe what Lana told her. But now she knew for sure; Lana was right all along.

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