Chapter 7🖤

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Kim and Sarah are dragging me through different stores in the mall, looking for a pretty blue dress for Chase's party. I tried on several dresses, none of which met up to Kim and Sarah's high standards.

We are taking a break at the food court, we needed some energy, apparently.

Kim and Sarah both got Mexican while I wanted a hot dog with cheese. This little place has the best.

"I don't know how you can eat a hot dog with just cheese," Sarah says with a pushing her lips out, making a bitter looking face.

"Well, I don't see how you both can eat Mexican, but I'm not judging," I grumble while taking a big bite of my hot dog feeling the warm cheese hitting my taste buds.

"Woah, I didn't say anything, you don't gotta knock my food," Kim says as she takes a small bite of her burrito.

It's not that I don't like Mexican, it's just that it doesn't agree with my stomach.

"Well, then you both leave my cheesy goodness alone. Thank you" I mutter and continue to enjoy my food.

"We need to hurry and find your dress for tomorrow night." Kim says around, stuffing her face with some beef looking thing.

"It's not a big deal, Kim. I probably have a blue summer dress somewhere at home, probably in my closet." I groan out, close to losing my appetite.

They are still really excited about Chase telling me his favorite color, it's not a huge deal and I was telling them in every single store we have gone into that me wearing blue isn't going to make him like me.

"You can't wear an old dress to his party, Raven" Sarah hisses out low while looking around us. "Good, no one we know heard that"

Rolling my eyes at her I set my hotdog down, I don't know how else to explain to these girls that they are both getting their hopes up for nothing while trying to keep them from getting mine up. It's tiresome, it really is.

"Sure I can, why? Because it's not a big deal, as I have been saying for the past few hours" I grunt before eating my last french fry.

"Sure whatever you say, Raven" mutters Sarah with an eyeroll.

"Look who's here" I hear Macy's annoying voice coming from behind us.

"Oh fuck no" Grumbles a now annoyed Kim, out of the three of us Kim will be the first to slap someone if, of course, it's needed that is.

"What are you girls doing here?" She says, looking down at our food on the table, making a face. Yeah we all know you watch what you eat Macy, not everyone cares about how good they look to others.

"Same as you girls, we are shopping" snarks Sarah rolling her eyes.

"Yes, I have to look my best for Saturday, can't let Chase down," Macy giggles as she sends a wink to the girls standing behind her.

The thing about Macy, Kim, Sarah and I is we used to all be friends in Middle school. We were friends from Prek all the way through to 9th grade. Once we hit high school, Macy changed.

She stopped hanging out with us in weekends, she kept canceling on us for our weekly sleep over and scary movie night to hang with her new friends and some boys.

We have tried over the past few years to get our friend group back together but all attempts have failed once we realized that Macy was no longer the girl we grew up with and made friends with.

She was much more concerned with how she looked, and how we all looked to those in our schools that she started to constantly complain that we didn't want to hang with the popular people and why the heck would we?

I think my friend group is much more fun than them stick in the muds, my friends and I don't care that we don't have our face caked with make up every school day. She on the other hand with her new friends came to school every day dressing like they just came off the walkway.

She Wouldn't Tell✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora