Chapter 21🖤

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I let it go, I guess we will talk about it later, I just hope later isn't too much later, I want to be able to enjoy the rest of my first day of being Chase's girlfriend and I can't do that with how my stomach is feeling now, I don't even think I can even be able to enjoy the yummy smelling pizzs

. Wait now I'm totally kidding, nothing comes between me and food.

Chase grabbed my tray for me, and I'm not even hiding the way I'm looking at his arms holding up the trays as the lunch ladies pile the food on them. He has viens that poke out around his wrist and on top of his hands, sweet baby Jesus but I do have a good looking boyfriend.

I can't believe I got this fortunate to be able to land a guy like Chase. I can feel a lot of eyes on us, I know a lot of people are curious about us but I hate having attention and right now Chase and I have almost everyone's attention.

"I can carry my own tray babe" I giggle but hold out my hand to take it from him, his my boyfriend, not my slave. It was a charming gesture though, but I can't just let him carry everything.

"What? No. "He tugs the tray higher up, out of my reach. "Can't your boyfriend do sweet things for you? I know you don't have much experience but this is something a boyfriend does, babe" he grunts out as he walks around me leaving me to follow behind him.

I guess we are eating at his lunch table today, that's fine. Kim and Sarah will follow me and I know Chase has a lot of friends so sitting at his table makes a lot more sense.

And If my boyfriend wants to spoil me then what kind of girlfriend am I to argue with him? Relationship is about give and take. His giving right now and I'm taking, I'll do things for him too.

I'm not sure what exactly because he was right about one thing I have zero experience so I'm following his lead right now.

We finally make our way to the table and I'm feeling lucky enough that I didn't bust my butt in front of all these people that still have their eyes on us. Chase either didn't notice the attention or just doesn't care and doesn't bother him. I guess I will have to get used to that as well. Dating Chase means getting attention.

"Ugh, just because your dating doesn't mean everyone wants her and her dogs to sit with us" Macy snarls as Chases sits down in a chair and pulls me down to sit on his lap. I quickly look around making sure no teachers are looking before I attempt to make myself comfortable.

Guess Chase wants to be super close today.

"You can find somewhere else to sit. This is my table" He grunts and actually takes a knife and cuts my over sized pizza into two before handing me one piece of it.

"Baby, you're being too sweet right now" I whisper and melt against him taking a big bite of the juicy greasy pizza.

"Anything for my girl" he smiles down at me before digging into his own hamburger, keeping my eyes down on my tray as the taste of meat, cheese and tomato washes over my tongue but I know Kim and Sarah are both having a good scream inside their heads at Chase cutting up my food.

I have to admit I liked that.

Like a real lot.

So much.

It was adorable.

30 minutes later we were all done eating and no one else has tried to say anything about me and Chase being together. Macy got annoyed and went stalking away from the table, her two best friends following her but the rest stayed at the table and ate. Mark was chatting Chase up the entire time and watching his interactions with Mark, anyone could tell they were extremely close to one another.

"Ladies, I want to borrow Raven for a few before classes begin again" Chases says before standing up, taking me up with him as I was sitting on his lap and he leads us out the cafeteria.

"I thought I told you not to talk about our relationship with your friends?" He growls at me and stares into my eyes and some of the spit, that's actually flying out his mouth lands on my right cheek.

Damn what the crap.

It was like whiplash, everything was just okay. He was cutting up my food, holding me close to him and now his mad? I was so confused.

"Wait, what?" I asked, probably with a confused and shocked look towards his tone.

"You heard me. Remember I said I wanted our relationship private. If you can't give me that then we won't date Raven" He is all in my face, my back is pressing into the cold brick wall of the cafeteria and his hand on my right shoulder is hurting under his touch. It feels like he is digging his nails into my skin.

"Im sorry, Chase. I don't understand. I haven't told them anything" I cry out trying to slightly move my shoulder out from under his hold.

"You're lying." He shoves my shoulder hard into the wall, causing a sharp gasp to leave my mouth as the pain rushes down my arm. "I fucking heard you telling them, I didn't want you showing our texts to them. For what? For them not to like me?" He snarls louder, this time.

Oh god. How can I fix this. How can I calm him down..

"Chase your right, I did tell them but that's just to explain our wishes. They are my best friends, they would think something is up if I just started to not show them my text messages, baby, please don't be upset. I'm sorry" I quickly explained what happened and now I'm begging for him to let this go.

"I don't like playing these games, Raven" he grunts, but doesn't make a move to move his hand off me.

"Chase. You're hurting me. You need to stop. You need to be aware of how strong you are!" I snapped out, who cares if he is mad, he ain't the only one. I don't deserve this. I explained HIS wishes, they were not mine, they were his and he should be happy and thankful that as his girlfriend I listened to his needs.

"Shit, baby. I'm sorry. It just my family, you know how much money we have, right? Everything my family does is always the towns gossip and I just don't want that to be our relationship is all baby please try to understand me" he begs me and finally removes his hand from my shoulder and wraps me up tightly in his arms kissing the spot that was hurting.

"I understand Chase, which is why I told them I would no longer be showing them our messages. They were not mad, they understood." I said, in a soothing tone, running my fingers through his hair.

I never really even thought about the life that Chase has, how it must affect him, I know his parents travel a lot, I have heard he always has parties because his home alone most of the time.

He must be so lonely.

Not anymore though.

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