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I spent two months in the hospital, the bullet punctured one of my lungs and I lost a lot of blood. I went through five surgeries in the past two months, my parents staying with me almost every night roating themselves so that one of them is always here with me.

I had lost so much blood, my heart actually stopped beating for a few minutes after I hit the ground. The only reason I am here right now is thanks to my parents being doctors, my dad stopped the bleeding as best as he could while my mom preformed CPR on me.

Sarah and Kim had been visiting me as much as they could, they have been bringing me my homework so that I did not fall behind, they actually did some of my homework for me at the beginning. They had me on so many paid medicine at first and I was barley able to keep myself awake and they knew I would be upset if I failed my senior year and they also did not want me to have to go to summer school.

Chase was arrested that night, I did not go to the trial but there were enough witnesses from that night, that no amount of money that his father tried throwing around worked. Apparently the judge's granddaughter was at the game and Chase's father got thrown in jail for trying to bribe the judge.

I got my phone number changed just in case, because even though he was jail, he did end up calling me from the prison phone, begging me to never leave him and shouted about how much he loved me. I hung up on him and went to change my number, well I was in the hospital so my mom went do it for me.

I was able to go back to school in time for our graduation, and I got to participate in the senior week. It was a bunch of dressing up days, leaving early.

Kim, Sarah and I took our senior pictures together, Sarah has this beautiful big oak tree in the back of her yard that was perfect.

Our parents cheered for us as we crossed the stage and I swear my eyes watered when that high school diploma hit my hands.

I'm now in college, I got a full ride to medical school thanks to all my hard work through high school and keeping up with my grades even though they slacked for a bit while I was dating Chase.

A part of me still loves him, it's hard to actually stop loving someone. I faught with myself for months not understanding the reason why would I still love him after all he had done to me? I stayed pissed off at myself and practically begged my heart to stop but you can't force that. I don't want him back, I will never want him back but that small part of me misses the sweet side of Chase and after loving that boy basically my whole life I knew it was going to be something I took a day at a time.

I'm getting there though, as the days go by as I study through college, working at hospital on an internship I find myself thinking about Chase less and less.

Kim, Sarah and I see each other every chance we get, not much like we used to obviously but on breaks and some weekends when we all have time we will meet somewhere in the middle.

I'm thankful for them, I'm so thankful for them both for looking after me when I was not looking after myself.

I wouldn't tell but my friends did.

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