Chapter 31🖤

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The next month Chase and I are doing completely amazing he got back on his medication after he punched me. He felt so bad he showered me in attention and everytime he picked me up for school he had a flower for me, always a different kind. He carries my back pack in school, he carries my lunch tray to the table for me.

My cheek was swollen for around a week I told the school nurse I dripped walking up the school steps and she believed me.

Kim and Sarah freaked out when they first saw it but thankfully they already know I'm clumsy and easily the the tripping story. I fel horrible for lying about this but I didn't want them to start hating Chase not when it was my fault I upset him so much while he was off his medication.

My parents freaked out both wanting me to go straight to the hospital to get a xray and make sure nothing was broken, so to please them both I let my momma bring me and of course nothing was broken. He didn't hit me that hard not even to break a cheek bone.

I covered the bruise the best I could on my school days everyone was staring and asking me what happened and I got really tired of having to repeat myself over and over.

It was getting exhausted and having everyone know I tripped and fell on my face was pretty dark embarrassing as it was.

Thankfully once my cheek healed nobody said anything about it again.

I'm smiling in my bed right now as I think of the night he came over and finally met my parents.

I was sitting in the kitchen and my mother was fussing around trying to make sure everything was perfect to meet my "first" boyfriend and my father was sitting in the living room paying either of us any mind as he watched River Monsters. They are both off tonight so I made sure to let Chase know ahead of time so he wouldn't have any plans.

My mother's making baked chicken, with Mac and cheese because it's one of my favorite things to eat, corn on the cob and a salad and my mouths starting to water as I smell it all.

The door bell rings a few moments later making me jump up from the kitchen table and rush towards the door not wanting to keep Chase waiting.

As I'm walking towards the front door I see my father joining my mother in the kitchen and I can't only hope he will behave himself. He should. His always been a soft spoken man but his still a dad and I'm still his baby girl like he likes to remind me.

Reaching out I quickly turn the door knob before swinging the door open and see Chase standing there holding up two sets of flowers and wearing dark dress pants and a blue button up long sleeve shirt and goodness he looks so handsome.

"Hey sweetie" I say walking outside the door and slowly wrapping my arms around his waist looking up at him sending him a soft smile.

I'm pretty nervous about tonight I been putting it off because Chase wasn't getting back on his medication he said it made him feel horrible and he kept bringing up meeting my parents and I told him he could only meet them if he started back taking them.

I couldn't risk something being said and it upsetting Chase and him not being able to handle his emotions would lash out at either me, my mom or my dad. They wouldn't have liked him for me if that happened I just know it. Finally after a few days of asking me over and over and hearing the same answer he got back on them and I told him we needed to wait till the medication was back in his system and here we are. It's been 3 weeks and his moods are alot better now.

"Hey baby. You look so beautiful. These are for you." He grins handing over 12 dozen red roses reaching out my hand I grab them from him before bringing them under my nose giving them a sniff.

"That's so sweet of you and you brought my momma some too" I say smiling reaching out my other hand grabbing a hold of his and slowly pulling him into the house.

"Of course. I wasn't going to come to her home without brining her something. My mother told me that was rude if I did that." He mumbles as he follows me into the kitchen.

"Momma and Daddy this is Chase my boyfriend. Chase this is my momma and daddy Claire and Ronaold" I say as I wave my hand to each of them letting them all know each others names.

"Hello ma'am these are for you." Chase steps forward handing my momma her flowers and she gushes over them.

"Hello sir" Chase turned to my father sticking his hand out to hold my father's hand and I find my self sucking in a soft breath waiting to see my father's reaction but after a few minutes my father relents and slowly shakes Chases hand.

"These flowers are lovely. Let me put them in a vase." My mom said before disappearing into the living room, leaving the three of us to stand here in silence but comes back within seconds holding up a glass vase that belonged to my grandmother.

"It's nice to meet you both. Raven has told me so much about you both." Chases smooth voice flows out as he sends my parents a soft smile.

"It's nice to meet you too Chase. Raven has told me a little bit about you. She has been so happy because of you. Thank you for that." My mom says kindly after filling the vase with water placing her flowers it in before heading to the stove opening up the door and checking on the chicken.

"Yes. Please have a seat and we can all get to know each other. Raven tells me you play football? What position?-" my father's questions trail off as I smile happily watching my boyfriend and my father start to talk about one of thier favorite things.

This is going so good and I'm glad.

Chase has been wanting to meet my parents and he finally has and they are both being so warm and welcoming.

Thank god.

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