Chapter 53🖤

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For the past month I have been sneaking around behind my parents and my best friends back to be able to see and talk to Chase. Its definitely has not been easy, Kim and Sarah always have their eyes on me while at school and my parents asked our neighbors to watch out for me while they were working. My dad finally gave me back my phone two weeks ago, telling me if he caught me texting Chase that he would break it so Chase and I have not been texting on it because he will snatch my phone out my hand at random times just to check and see.

My friendship with Kim and Sarah is really rocky at the moment, I understand why they did what they did but I just can't find it in my heart to be able to forgive them yet. I'm trying. I hang with them at school, I eat with them in the cafeteria but I barely say a word.

Chase and I sneak around at school as much as we can to see each other, I have to excuse myself for the bathroom, sending Chase a quick message before deleting it so that he knows when to meet me. He has been good, staying on his medicine and has been showering me with love, attention and gifts whenever he can. The other day he had given me a beautiful gold heart necklace, that I couldn't even wear. It stays hanging in my locker and I have to always make sure Kim or Sarah does not see it when we are switching classes.

Kim caught Chase looking at me in the cafeteria one day and snarled at him. "Stop fucking looking at her before I tell everyone what you have been doing."

Her saying that caused Chase to get up from his table and leaving out the cafeteria and all I wanted to do was rush after my man to make sure that he was okay.

"Kim stop." I had muttered out, shaking my head, having to force my eyes off the door Chase just walked out of.

"No. You know why his ex switched schools? He was probably abusing her too! Ugh! Why didn't we think to find that out." Kim snarled out, tossing her fork down on her tray.

"He is not abusive, Kim-" I had started to defend him but her shocked face turned towards me.

"Why are you still fucking defending him, Raven?" She asked, harshly. "Are yall back together? Raven! Are yall?"


I need to stop defending him before she starts to get suspicious.

"No, Kim. I'm just saying. Let's just drop it okay. Him and I have not talked. I just want to move on." I had told her softly, hoping that she would now drop the subject and thankful after what felt like minutes of her eyes shoving into my head, she dropped it.

The rest of the day had gone by a little smoother, Kim did not bring it up anymore.

That night Chase had parked his truck down the road from my house and while my parents were at work, I let him inside and we cuddled on the couch. I was just happy to be back in his arms. The only thing that bothers me is that we have to keep on hiding our relationship from everyone and I have brought that up one night while we were laying down with each other on my bed, after we had sex.

"I don't like sneaking around. I wish my parents would understand that it's not your fault baby." I said softly, while laying my head on his chest.

"You're almost 18, Raven. Your parents won't be able to tell you what to do anymore, baby." He said, leaning his head down to kiss the top of my head.

"Yeah, but Chase. They won't want that. They will be so mad at me. What if they kick me out? They won't want to pay for my college if I do this with you." I had told him, remember the sadness that rushed through my body at the thought.

"Baby. It's okay. You can come live with me when I go to college. I have a full ride for football and my parents are paying for me to have private housing. It's okay." He told me, running his fingers through my hair.

"But I want to go to Medical School Chase-" I said, feeling my throat closing up at the thought of never following my dreams.

"Babe. Come on.Wouldn't you rather just stay home with our kids? Think about it. How many times have your parents missed something in your life because they are doctors?" He whispered, bringing his hand to my face, forcing my head up to look at him.

"I don't know Chase. I always wanted to be a doctor like them, I don't have to work like they do though." I told him, smiling softly as the thought of me and Chase having a family together one day.

"Just think about it, Raven. That's all I'm asking. You don't need to stress over what your parents will do. I will always help you baby. I will never leave you. Trust me. You can stay home with our kids all day and ill be happy coming home to yall once I leave the office. Once I get done with college I will be taking over my dad's company. We don't even need money, baby." He had hummed out.

I guess that is something to think about, I would not want to miss the things my parents did. The school plays, my class parties, most of my baseball games when I used to play. I remember watching all the parents of the other kids, watching them, clapping for them and encouraging them while mine were not there.

I don't want to be like them.

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