Chapter 7

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I stare across the kitchen island in annoyance at Shawn. We've been inside the house for about ten minutes and it has been spent in silence. I take a sip from my glass of water and watch him stare down at the countertop, an obvious scowl clear on his face.

After trying to figure out why he is in such a grumpy mood for half the night I have come to the conclusion it must be from the loss. He always reacts similar to this way after a shitty game, but usually it's not to this extent, nor does it last this long. His distant attitude ended up putting me in a bad mood when I was having a great time with his family tonight.

"Look, I get that you're pissed off that you lost your game, but that's no reason to be a jerk to me," I confront him and his eyes snap up from the counter to meet mine. He squints his eyes at me and shakes his head side to side.

"I'm not pissed because of the game. Well, maybe a little bit, but I'm mad because you missed dinner with my family tonight then come strolling into the arena with Tyler."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes at him, knowing it will just irritate him further. I can't believe we are back to the Tyler issue again.

"We both left the library at the same time and were going to the same place so we walked together. We were working on a school assignment with four other people, it's not like I am sneaking around with him or nothing," I argue back, annoyance clear in my voice.

I'm frustrated that his problem with Tyler has put a damper on the night. This night had the potential to be an amazing time. His dad and sister were so thoughtful to drive up for his game and spend time with us. I'm frustrated that now the night I first met his family will be tainted by his sour attitude. I sigh and try to remind myself that he is just feeling insecure about the situation.

"I know that, but you know that I don't like the guy and I sure as hell don't trust him," he explains, his voice growing softer.

I watch him run his fingers through his hair and I can tell he's trying to not be bothered by this, but he can't seem to get past it. He looks helpless as he looks back across the kitchen at me.

"I understand that you don't like the guy, but remember what you said to me? That you were okay with Tyler being in my classes. That you trusted me. Or was that all just a lie?" I question as I bring up his own words to challenge him.

"No I wasn't lying," he replies quickly and I believe him.

I know that he's doing best to deal with his jealousy and not allow past relationship issues to become a problem in ours.

"You can trust me," I promise him and watch his face start to soften at my words. I move around the island towards him and wrap my arms around his waist as I peer up towards him. "We only have two more weeks to work on this assignment then I only have to deal with Tyler in class. I would never do something that would hurt you or our relationship. I love you."

A small smile appears on Shawn's lips and I feel him relax into my embrace as his head drops down. I push up onto my tiptoes as I meet his lips.

"I love you too," he whispers to me when our lips part. "I'm sorry for being a stubborn ass all night. I should have talked to you about it, but with my dad and sister being there I didn't want to ruin their night. Then the anger just built inside me all night when I had to sit with it. I do trust you and I'm sorry if I made you doubt that."

"It's okay, just don't do it again," I tell him and add in a wink to soften my words. He nods down at me and smiles sweetly. "I still had a fun time with your family. Your sister is so sweet."

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