Chapter 24

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I find a parking spot by the front of the athletic building. I take a deep breath, composing myself, before I exit my car and start to head inside towards the track. I slept like shit, waking up multiple times in the night and contemplating if this was the right decision to come here today.

I had almost called Lyla three different times to tell her that I couldn't do it but something stopped me every time. What it was, I don't know. Especially in this moment as I walk into the indoor stadium and peer up to see the large crowd in the stands.

I know Lyla's event starts in half an hour, I made sure to give myself plenty of time to get here early to keep appearances up for her parents. I know I don't owe her anything to do this for her, but the truth is I miss her. And I wanted to be her to support her even though my heart aches in my chest when I am anywhere near here right now.

I walk along the border of the track, my eyes scanning over the crowd for anyone I might recognize. The perks of being an athlete at this school allow me to walk along the track instead of being stuck up in the stands with all the other spectators. There are dozens of athletes in school singlets warming up around the track.

I continue to scan the outskirts of the track and see an Oakridge tent in the distance. I know this will be where our school team is gathered and where I will probably find Lyla. I start to head in that direction when I hear someone calling my name.

I turn to find Lyla's parents walking down the stands towards me, her mom waving to me excitedly. I plaster a smile on my face as I walk over to the rail that separates the stands from the track.

"Hey," I say as the reach the railing.

Lyla's mom is wearing an Oakridge Lion's hoodie in support and has a little Lion's flag in her hand as well. I shake my head in light amusement at her school spirit. Lyla's dad on the other hand is in his usual attire of business casual.

"Shawn! We were wondering where you were. Lyla's race is in about half an hour," she tells me.

"I'm just heading over to find her now and wish her good luck." It's not a lie. That is exactly what I intend to do, no matter how much it might be killing me on the inside to be right next to her but unable to take her hand in mine or wrap my arms around her.

"Oh great," her mom says as she glances off towards the Oakridge tent. "Wish her good luck for us too."

"Of course," I agree before I give them a quick wave and they start to ascend back up the stairs and find seats again in the packed stands.

I continue on my original path towards the Oakridge tent again. As I get close I peer around at the many faces of the track team until I find Lyla. She's sitting at the edge of the tent on the floor, away from everyone else as she stares out at the track.

She looks lost in thought or maybe just lost in general. As I approach she doesn't seem to notice me come to a stop a few feet away from her.

"Hey." Her head jerks up towards me and I see her blush slightly as she gets to her feet.

"Hey, you made it," she greets me and I can tell she didn't think I would show.

"Told you I would be here," I tell her as I offer a small smile, not having to force it this time around. She smiles softly in return and nods her head. "Why aren't you warming up?"

"I was just on my way down to the track, my race was delayed an extra ten minutes so I had a bit more time to spare," she explains as her eyes leave mine to look out at the track.

"Gotcha." She shuffles on her feet from side to side like she is trying to decide whether to leave yet or not. "Well, good luck," I tell her.


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