Chapter 10

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Another win in the books for me in the boys as I exchange a few pats on the back as I leave the dressing room and head up to the lobby. All the guys seem to be heading to the pub to celebrate the win and I know Lyla will be keen to go too.

I reach the last step and make it to the lobby, my eyes finding Lyla immediately. She is standing with Megan and they are chatting away about something. I watch Lyla start to laugh as her eyes catch mine. Her smile grows noticeably wider on her face as I make my way over to them.

"Great game honey," Lyla says as she wraps her arms around my neck and leans up for a kiss. She pulls away too soon for my liking but I think I'm slowing wearing her down on the whole PDA thing.

"Thanks. You ladies up for heading to O'Shea's?"

"Hell yes," Megan responds and walks passed me, starting towards the doors. Lyla rolls her eyes as she watches Megan strut off. I wrap my arm around Lyla as we trail behind Megan.

I manage to finally get noticed by the bartender and order three beers. The bar is packed tonight, the whole team seems to be here along with all of our fans. I pass a beer to Lyla and Megan before we navigate through the crowd and find a couple tables in the back where my teammates have congregated.

I notice one table isn't as crowded as the others and head towards it. There aren't any seats available when we reach it, but there's at least standing room. I pull Lyla in front of me so we both face the table and lean down to give her a kiss on the cheek. She turns her head and smiles up at me, her lips teasing me for a kiss.

"Let's go dance!" Megan interrupts us and next thing I know Lyla gets dragged out of my arms and towards the dance floor.

She mouths an 'I'm sorry' back to me and I give her a small smile in return, even though I am very annoyed by the interruption. I will save the kiss for later I guess. I watch as she disappears into the crowd with Megan. It's hard to hear much of anything in this place between the music that's blaring out of the sound system and everyone shouting to hear each other over it.

I fall into conversation with a few of my teammates at the table. The topic starts with our game tonight, going over some of the plays, shots and saves that are worth noting. When the topic changes to Spring Break and everyone besides me at the table starts to plan their Mexico bucket list I step away from the table, not wanting or needing to subject myself to feeling left out.

Besides, it has been about half an hour and I haven't seen Lyla or Megan pop back out of the crowd. I wind my way up to the bar and scan the numerous heads of people waiting for drinks.

I see the unmistakable backside of Lyla's head, giving my head a slight shake over the fact even the back of my girls head has burned it's way into my brain. I zigzag through some of the people between us and stop short before I reach out to grab her.

I notice she is standing beside Megan who also has her back to me and they are both facing Tyler. I push away the annoyance that it building inside me again at finding her with Tyler. He is looking between both girls, but I notice he seems to pay a substantial amount of more focus on Lyla.

"To Mexico!" Tyler's loud toast breaks me from my thoughts as I watch the three of them all toast their shot glasses before downing whatever liquor is in them.

"Lyla's not coming though!" Megan whines out loudly as she throws her arm around Lyla's shoulder.

I shift uncomfortably on my feet as I listen to them. I should make my presence known and not continue to eavesdrop, but a part of me wants to hear where this goes.

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