To Be Continued

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That's it for Expectations!

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, I hope you enjoyed it! For those of you who may not have known this is the second book in a four part series, so if you missed the first book you might want to go back and give it a read! Book one is called Inevitable and it's on my page.

Book three I am working hard away on already! It will be released sometime in Spring 2022. You can find it on my page right now with the temporary title Crossroads. If you want to be notified of when I upload the story just add Crossroads to your library now and you will get a notification when I post it! :)

Feel free to reach out to me in the comments with any thoughts or feelings you have about the story, I love hearing from everyone and do my best to respond back.

Happy reading!

- Jess

Expectations (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now