Chapter 32

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My skates glide across the ice as I continue my warm up laps. Tonight's game is our second round in the playoffs. It's basically a round robin setup where you win, you advance, you lose, you're done. Since we finished first in league play, our first game had been against the last place team.

The game had been a bit of a cake walk, we won 6-0 and by the end the other team was just trying to antagonize our guys into fighting. Luckily, the boys and I maintained our cool and no one got any suspensions for doing something stupid.

Tonight's game should prove to be a bit more challenging. We played this team four times during regular season, both of us taking two wins. This team's saving grace was their goalie. Kid was like a young Martin Brodeur, it was a hell of a challenge to get the puck passed him.

I drop down to the ice in the corner and join a few guys for some stretches. I'm ready for this game. I know we can beat them and being captain I feel the pressure on my shoulders to lead my teammates tonight.

The buzzer sounds signalling end of warm-up and I get back up to my skates. I glide my way over to the bench, making sure to check the stands for Lyla. There she is. In her usual spot with Megan by her side. But something is different tonight.

When Lyla catches my gaze, I see her cheeks tinge pink as she raises to her feet and turns her back to me. She's wearing my jersey. The number seven and my last name are on full display on her back. She spins back to face me before she takes her seat. She winks down at me and I can't wait to get her alone tonight. Oh yeah, we are winning this game.

The house is jammed pack for our celebration party. Lyla is pressed against my side as we lean against a wall in the kitchen, trying to stay clear of the stumbling drunks that head to and from the keg. We won our game tonight, sealing our spot in the semi finals next week.

The guys are in full party mode now as I watched a few teammates hold each other up to do keg stands. Lyla is still wearing my jersey, much to her detest. She had wanted to take it off and leave it in the car but I begged her to keep it on and she caved.

The sight of her in it reminds me of our Chicago escapades and I can feel my dick swelling in my dress pants at the memory. I pull Lyla to move her in front of me and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into me. I hear her small gasp and know that she can feel my raging hard on that is now pressed against her lower back. I lean down and place a kiss on her cheek.

"Shots!" Megan yells as she comes barrelling over to us with two handfuls of shot glasses. Lyla and I each take one and hold them up to toast with Megan.

"To my kick ass roommate and best friend who is the champion of running!" She shouts drunkenly and I hear Lyla giggle before we all down our shots. "Dance with me!" Megan shouts to Lyla as she grabs her hand and starts to pull her away from me.

I'm suddenly aware that my boner will be on full display as soon as I lose Lyla as my coverage. I move quickly to follow her, keeping myself snug to her back as we push our way onto the dance floor.

If I thought I was being tortured before by the vision of Lyla in my jersey, I was wrong. This is torture. Lyla is grinding against me and kissing along my neck and down my chest where my shirt hangs open at the top. I swear I'm going to come in my pants for the first time since my spell of wet dreams back in grade nine.

Not to mention the erotic sounds she keeps making as her body slides along mine. I know I need a break after a few songs and drag her off the dance floor with me. I don't stop until I find a less crowded room with a few chairs that are available. I sit down on one and quickly pull Lyla onto my lap.

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