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"Itachi!! Look look". A 5 year old Katsumi said with an excited tone. "I am now a big sister. Just like you". "Stupid, Itachi is a big brother not a sister". Shion chuckled. "Hey, who are you calling stupid" Katsumi glared.

Itachi watched the two of them bicker among themselves with an amused expression. "So what is the name of the baby" Katsumi who was yelling at Shion stopped and said with a big wide grin " Y/N, Y/N Shirazaki". Itachi saw how happy she was for getting a little sister whom she could take care off as he also felt the same way when his little brother was born.

Shion Shirazaki is a member of the side branch of the Shirazaki Clan who is friends with both Itachi and Katsumi. And she is also the same age as Shisui and is great friends with him.

"So where is she, you did not bring her with you" pumped Shion. "Well, she is sleeping and father told me....well, to train and.... I snuck up here.....without him tell you guys....I could only spend a little time with her" Katsumi said with a sad smile.

Itachi knew how strict the Shirazaki Clan was and Katsumi being in the main clan and heir to the Shirazaki took a toll on her too much as he was also in the same position. "Uhm, we can go to your house and see Y/N" Shion and Katsumi stared at him wide eyed. "And I will also bring Sasuke with me" he added nonchalantly.

Katsumi stared at him in disbelief and the only thing she could say was "HUH?!" She was trying to process everything. Itachi never really showed any interest in anything and when he said he would visit her house she was baffled.

Shion started laughing all of a sudden. Both Itachi and Katsumi broke their gaze from each other and looked at her and both of them asked at the same time "What?" This made her only laugh harder until she was rolling on his stomach.

"Ita-Itachii, I never --- thought you --- would say----- something like that and hahaha haha Kat-Katsumi ---- you should have ---- seen your expression" Both Itachi and Katsumi blushed due to embarrassment and Katsumi started yelling at Shion while the later just laughed more.

"Katsumi!" Suddenly a voice called out which revealed to be her Father. She stiffened when she heard her father's voice. "Oto san" She answered monotonously to hide the fact that she was scared.

"What are you doing here?" Her Father Hiroichi Shirazaki, the clan leader of the Shirazaki family questioned her. Despite of being feared she lied perfectly "I was here training with Itachi and Shion" Her father's eye then fell on the two who were standing beside her.

"Good! I do not want you to be wasting your time doing unnecessary things" Her Father sternly stated. Katsumi just nodded her head with a blank expression.

Itachi and Shion knew that she only acted cheerful in front of them. Her father allowed Katsumi to train with them as he knew that the both of them were strong despite only being 5-6 years old and Itachi being from the main clan of the Uchiha and it would help his daughter in growing strong.

"Itachi" the called boy looked up to meet his friend's father who was looking at him. He answered "Yes, Hiroichi san" Hiroichi then took out a scroll and gave it to the younger boy and sternly stated "Give this letter to your Father" Itachi just took the scroll and just nodded acceptingly.

"Now, Come on Katsumi" Her father ordered as she waved her two friends and mouthed them to come over her house later to meet her sister Y/N to which both of them nodded with a smile. She followed her father to the Shirazaki compound where she was met with her mother carrying Y/N.

Katsumi ran towards her little sister Y/N and cooed her. Y/N giggled adorably looking at her sister. Their Mother smiled fondly seeing the interaction between the siblings. "Mizuhi, prepare Lunch. I have a mission to take and Katsumi I hope you are not slacking off" Hiroichi asked. Katsumi just replied "No, Oto san I have already mastered our clan's wind and fire style jutsu. Just needs a little perfection" Her father nodded and both of them went to their respective Rooms.

THE PATH OF LIFE || U. SASUKEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora