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"Are you really sure you want to join the ANBU" Itachi asked concerned lacing his words "Mhmm....Yes I am Itachi....Don't worry about it" Katsumi smiled messing Itachi's hair trying to remove the frown etched on his face. Itachi was worried for her.

In ANBU, the assignments that they conduct to protect the village from exceptional threats include high-risk infiltration into enemy territory, dealing with extremely strong ninja, tracking, surveillance, interrogating enemy ninja to learn information and missions requiring specially trained ninja. Due to the actions of the group, one can appear changed and corrupted of kindness. Due to the often sensitive nature of their missions and the unique abilities they sometimes possess, Anbu are expected to destroy their bodies if they are too badly injured on a mission so that they can't be captured. His thoughts were interrupted when --

"So both of you have joined the ANBU, we are very proud of you" Hiroichi said to both Katsumi and Itachi in a monotone voice "Yes, with this you can tell us everything what the village is planning" Fugaku said standing besides Hiroichi.

Both Katsumi and Itachi bowed at them and nodded as they muttered "Hai" as Fugaku continued "Don't forget, you both are first and foremost from your respective clan before you belong to the village" And with that they parted their ways leaving Itachi and Katsumi to their own thoughts.

Katsumi scowled and she turned to Itachi while furrowing her brows "Ne Itachi can't we save both the village and our clans" Itachi was also deeply troubled by all the feuds between the village and the clans. He knew that she decided to join the ANBU was to solve the problems between the clans and the village. "Don't worry, Katsumi, we might find a way without bloodshed" Itachi assured her even though he did not know how.

He also knew that the Shirazaki and Uchiha clan are plotting something. Both clans taught their descendants that they are first and foremost from their clan before they belong to the village.

He too was anxious and was deep in thoughts as he did not realise he said out loud "People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "reality". But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"? Merely vague concepts... Their "reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?"

He did not realize he said that aloud as Katsumi replied "Dreams can become a reality when we possess a vision that is characterized by the willingness to work hard, a desire for excellence, and a belief in our right and our responsibility to be able to sustain it" 

Itachi looked at Katsumi surprised as she continued "...but life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like....Right" Itachi smiled "You always know what to say, huh, Katsumi" 



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