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"What the hell?"

"Where are they?"

Whispers and murmurs rippled through the crowd, curiosity and uncertainty painting the faces of the spectators.

The Kazekage and the Hokage exchanged knowing glances, their expressions conveying a shared understanding. They recognized the need for patience, even as curiosity and concern played across the faces of those gathered.

"I believe a moment's wait is in order before reaching any conclusions," the Kazekage suggested, his tone measured as he considered the options.

After all I have seen what she can really do.

Hokage nodded, his gaze steady. "Indeed, our young shinobi have a way of surprising us. Let's give them some time."

Meanwhile, the proctor's voice resonated through the arena, his words carrying a mix of concern and authority.

"Given the circumstances, we'll wait for an additional 15 minutes. If neither contender appears, they will be disqualified from the match."

"Kakashi sensei," Sakura's voice called out, laden with concern. "Where could she be?"

Kakashi's lone visible eye narrowed as he surveyed the scene. "Don't worry, her chakra signature is still within our vicinity."

"As it seems both the contenders ---"

Before the proctor could finish their sentence, Y/N suddenly materialized before them.

Y/N appeared unharmed, but her eyes betrayed fatigue, and a frown etched her lips. A glare filled with frustration and anger was directed towards everyone present.

Genma, cautious and diplomatic, cautiously approached the situation. "Y/N, welcome back. But where is Shingen?"

"Do you think I have all the answers?" Y/N snapped back, her voice filled with irritation and impatience.

Y/N's words hung in the air, her frustration palpable. The arena fell into a tense silence as everyone exchanged uncertain glances.

The proctor, recognizing the gravity of the circumstances, cleared his throat and spoke cautiously. He turned to the Hokage, who nodded in agreement.

"Considering the events that have unfolded and Shingen's absence, it is evident that we have witnessed your exceptional abilities, Shirazaki Y/N," the proctor announced, his voice carrying a mix of formality and understanding.

"Therefore, the winner of this match is declared to be Shirazaki Y/N."

A default win.

This wasn't what she wanted.

A mixture of relief, surprise, and applause filled the room as Y/N's victory was officially recognized.

Y/N's frown deepened, her dissatisfaction evident in her expression. She did not appreciate the outcome, feeling unsettled by the unresolved situation surrounding Shingen's disappearance.

"We'll discuss this later, Y/N," In the arena, Kakashi appeared next to Y/N. His voice broke through the air, drawing Y/N's attention. With a solemn expression, he spoke, "Let's go Y/N, it's time for Sasuke's match"

As Naruto observed from the sidelines, a grumble escaped his lips. "I wanted Kakashi-sensei to come pick me up when I won," he muttered to himself, a hint of playful jealousy coloring his words. He couldn't help but remember how Kakashi wasn't even there to witness his battle with Neji.

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