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Kneeling down, Saija announced, "The preliminary rounds have concluded, and the finals will commence."

Yatsuragi, wearing an unusually solemn expression, remained silent.

Concerned, Saija inquired, her once golden eyes now transformed into captivating emerald orbs, "Is something troubling you, Master?"

Yatsuragi sighed deeply. "I find myself conflicted about Orochimaru's intentions to attack Konoha."

Saija expressed surprise. "You hesitate to take action?"

"Indeed" Yatsuragi responded, fixing his gaze upon the girl with his striking golden eyes, "I ask you to take care of Y/N"

Saija arched an eyebrow, curious about her Master's request.

"The curse mark has been sealed by Kakashi not that it will have any effect" the red-haired ninja explained. "As long as there is darkness, hatred, anger in her heart, the curse will take effect"

Saija contemplated the implications of her master's words. Darkness. Hatred. Anger. She understood the weight they carried.

"I've witnessed her struggle to fight off the curse," Yatsuragi muttered, a hint of surprise in his voice. "To my surprise, she has managed to resist its influence, but we can't rely on that every time."

Saija nodded, acknowledging the seriousness of the situation.

"We may need a trigger," Yatsuragi stated.

"A trigger?" The titian haired repeated, her curiosity piqued.

Yatsuragi nodded, his expression firm and determined. "Exactly, Saija. We need to create a catalyst that will trigger Y/N's deep-seated hatred for her sister and awaken the darkness within her. Only then will the curse mark take full effect, granting us the power we seek."

Saija understood the gravity of the situation and the importance of their mission. She had been trained under Yatsuragi's guidance, honing her skills as an assassin, and knew the lengths they were willing to go to achieve their goals.

"What do you have in mind, master?" Saija asked, her voice laced with anticipation.

Yatsuragi's eyes gleamed with a sinister glint. "We will orchestrate a situation that will expose Y/N to the darkest secrets surrounding her sister's actions. We will manipulate her emotions, fuel her anger, and guide her down a path of vengeance. And in the midst of her despair, she will be vulnerable, ripe for the darkness to consume her."

Saija nodded, her loyalty unwavering. "I understand, master. I will carry out your orders. Y/N will be in our hands soon enough."

Yatsuragi's smile revealed his satisfaction. "Very well, Saija. Be discreet, ensure that no one suspects our involvement. The moment must be perfect, calculated to push her to the brink. This is the key to unlocking her true potential."

Saija bowed respectfully. "Consider it done, master. Y/N will soon learn the price of seeking the truth and the depths of darkness that lie within her."

Yatsuragi appeared to be contemplating something, his gaze focused on Saija.

He then narrowed his eyes at Saija, a determined glint in his gaze. "I want you to kidnap Y/N now," he declared firmly.

Saija's eyes widened in surprise. "But, master, the plan was not to do so until after the final exams, and you seem unusually anxious," she pointed out.

"Is there something hindering our plan?" she inquired further, sensing an underlying concern in Yatsuragi's demeanor.

"There is something I noticed along the way that has been bothering me," Yatsuragi admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

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