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Under the veil of the midnight hour, Sakura emerged from her dwelling, a gnawing sense of unease tugging at her instincts. The village was bathed in an eerie calm, the nocturnal sounds intermingling with the rustling of leaves. With every step she took, her senses remained on high alert, a feeling of foreboding settling like a heavy shroud around her.

But as her feet carried her through the quiet streets, Sakura's eyes fell upon a haunting sight. There stood Y/N, her form hunched and battered, an embodiment of solitude amidst the darkness. The moon's pale light revealed the extent of her injuries, the anguish etched on her face painting a stark contrast to the serene night around them.

Sakura's heart clenched at the sight, a mixture of concern and empathy welling up within her. She quickened her pace, her footsteps silent against the pavement as she approached Y/N cautiously.

 She quickened her pace, her footsteps silent against the pavement as she approached Y/N cautiously

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"Y/N!" Sakura's voice was filled with worry as she reached her friend's side. "What happened? Are you okay?"

Y/N's gaze shifted towards Sakura, her eyes reflecting a turbulent storm of emotions. The wounds on her body seemed to pale in comparison to the turmoil within her. 

"These wounds... How did you get them?" Sakura's words rushed out in a torrent of concern, each question driven by her desire to understand.

Sakura reached out, her touch gentle as she placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder. However, Y/N deflected her hand sharply, anger simmering in her eyes. The tension in the air was palpable as they locked gazes, a mixture of pain and frustration hanging between them.

Sakura took a step back, her concern deepening as she sensed the intensity of Y/N's emotions. She could see that her friend was struggling, torn between conflicting thoughts and feelings. The sight of Y/N's anger and turmoil was unsettling, but Sakura knew that pushing too hard might only exacerbate the situation.

"Y/N, please," Sakura's voice was gentle, her tone pleading. "I know something's bothering you. You don't have to face it alone. You have friends who care about you."

Y/N's lips curled into a bitter sneer, her anger spilling over as she turned away from Sakura. "Help me? You?" Her tone was laced with sarcasm, a mixture of resentment and frustration making her words sharp. "What can you possibly understand about this? About what I've been through?"

Sakura's brows furrowed, hurt crossing her features as she tried to reach out once again. "Y/N, I might not know everything, but I'm your friend. I care about you."

Y/N's laughter was bitter, a stark contrast to the warmth that had once existed between them. "Friend? Is that what you think we are?" She turned back to Sakura, her gaze cold and distant. "You and Naruto, living your simple lives, never burdened by the weight of vengeance. You can't possibly comprehend the choices I've had to make."

Sakura's eyes glistened with unshed tears, hurt and confusion warring within her. "Y/N, I know I haven't walked in your shoes, but that doesn't mean I don't care. We're Team 7. We're supposed to be there for each other."

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