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Sasuke and Gaara engaged in a fierce battle, their intense rivalry fueling the clash of their respective powers. Each move was executed with precision, the air crackling with the electric energy of their jutsu.

Sasuke's Sharingan blazed with intensity as he anticipated Gaara's every move, his agile maneuvers allowing him to dodge and counter with calculated strikes. Gaara, on the other hand, relied on his sand manipulation, his control over the protective shield and deadly projectiles showcasing his formidable skills.

The intensity of their battle intensified, both Sasuke and Gaara pushing themselves to their limits. Each attack and counterattack added to the ferocity of their clash, causing the arena to tremble with the sheer force of their jutsu.

In the midst of combat, Sasuke's mind briefly flickered to the person who meant everything to him: Y/N. 

The thought of anything happening to Y/N sent a pang of anguish through his heart, but he quickly refocused on the battle at hand. Yet, Sasuke knew that protecting her required him to first overcome Gaara and eliminate the immediate threat before seeking her out.

Suddenly the curse mark took hold of Sasuke, leaving him paralyzed and unable to move. Sakura and Naruto rushed to the scene, with Y/N resting on Sakura's back.

Sasuke's eye widened with both relief and worry as he found Y/N, unconscious and fragile, being carried gently on Sakura's back. Sasuke's heart skipped a beat at the sight, his worry turning into an unbearable ache in his chest.

"What happened to her?" he inquired, his voice brimming with concern. He could never bear to see her in this state.

The thought of Y/N getting hurt because he couldn't act haunted him, filling him with guilt and regret. When he finally regained control of his body, he rushed to her side, his heart sinking at the sight of her unconscious form. 

"Sasuke-kun" Sakura began to respond but halted abruptly when she noticed Sasuke standing in front of her. 

Sakura was surprised as Sasuke gently snatched Y/N from her hold, his movements careful and deliberate.

He gently stretched out his arms, carefully cradling Y/N in his hold, his eyes filled with worry as he carefully examined her for any visible injuries. 

His gaze traced over her features, searching for any sign of injury, his heart pounding with each passing second.

He noted a few scrapes and bruises, evidence of the chaos that had unfolded during the invasion, but there was something else that worried him deeply—the curse mark. Its dark, intricate pattern twisted along her skin, a sinister reminder of the dangerous forces at play.

Sasuke's fingers brushed gently against the mark, and he winced at the cold, unnatural sensation it emitted. He knew all too well the malevolent power it contained, the same power that is nearly consuming him too. It was a stark reminder of the dangers they all faced in this tumultuous world.

As Sasuke held Y/N close, a multitude of emotions coursed through him — fear for her safety, anger at his own vulnerability, and a growing determination to ensure her well-being. 

"She doesn't seem to have any major injuries," The pinkette reassured Sasuke, her voice filled with concern bringing him to reality. "But the curse mark on her body is still active. We need to find a way to neutralize it."

Sasuke's grip on Y/N tightened, his heart heavy with the realization that the danger she was facing might be connected to him and the cursed mark he bore. 

He winced, clutching at his own curse mark, the agony of his own experience resurfacing.

Sasuke gently placed Y/N beside Sakura, a pained expression crossing his face as he felt the throbbing of his own curse mark. Despite his discomfort, he remained resolute, determined to shield Y/N from the same pain and suffering he had endured.

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