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Naruto and Sasuke stood atop the rooftop, the tension between them palpable. Y/N's presence emerged, drawn by the impending confrontation, her curiosity piqued by the unfolding scene.

A sudden burst of laughter erupted from Naruto, a sound that grated on Sasuke's already frayed nerves. "What's so funny?" Sasuke's irritation was evident in his question.

Naruto's grin was irrepressible as he retorted, "Funny, isn't it? I'm actually overjoyed. To think that I can finally beat you."

Y/N, still clad in her hospital outfit, raised an eyebrow, caught between finding Naruto's audacious confidence amusing and being annoyed by it. Naruto's bold declaration stirred an irritated spark within her, intensifying the lingering turmoil in her own heart.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. "What did you say?" he snapped, his voice laced with annoyance. "Stop blabbering nonsense, you loser."

Naruto's demeanor shifted, a hint of seriousness underlying his words. "I am no longer the loser you once knew," he declared, his tone determined. "I have changed."

Sasuke's retort was swift, laced with disdain. "You dimwit idiot. What are you so full of yourself for? Huh?" His frustration seeped through his words, fueled by the unresolved tension between them.

"Eh?" Naruto's surprise was genuine, his expression puzzled. "What are you losing your cool for? That's so unlike you, teme." He grinned mischievously, clearly enjoying getting under Sasuke's skin. "What? Are you afraid now that you've challenged me to a fight, huh, Sasuke?"

Sasuke's patience snapped, his temper flaring. "Shut up and fight," he bit out, his voice laden with a mixture of anger and anticipation. The tension between them reached its boiling point, the rooftop becoming the arena for their clash of wills.

"And you," Naruto's voice turned accusatory as he turned his attention to Y/N, " Just watch as I defeat Sasuke, you will be the next one. " He said, " Always acting like you're too good for the rest of us."

Y/N's mirangan flashed subtly, a flicker of emotion beneath her calm exterior. "Maybe I am," she retorted coolly, her voice cutting through the tension like a blade.

Sakura's eyes widened at Y/N's response, shock and hurt evident in her expression. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the fallout of those words.

"You...?" Naruto's retort was quick, his own frustration bubbling to the surface. "Don't act like you're above all of this, Y/N. We're a team, remember?"

Sakura, caught in the middle of their brewing confrontation, stepped forward hesitantly, her eyes shifting between Naruto, Sasuke, and Y/N

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Sakura, caught in the middle of their brewing confrontation, stepped forward hesitantly, her eyes shifting between Naruto, Sasuke, and Y/N. "Guys, let's not fight among ourselves," she implored, her voice carrying a plea for harmony. "We've been through too much together to let this come between us."

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