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Naruto's eyes widened mischievously as he shot a sly grin at Sasuke and Y/N, brimming with an aura of suspicious excitement.

"Hey, don't you guys want to know?" Naruto's voice oozed with anticipation. "It's about time, you know."

Sasuke, raising an eyebrow, replied with a tone of curiosity, "Know what?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" Naruto retorted, still wearing that eerily creepy expression. "Kakashi-sensei's true face!"

With a devious glint in his eye, Naruto leaned in toward Sakura, dramatically illuminating his face with a torchlight, causing the pinkette to jump in shock, her irritation brewing to a boiling point as she delivered a swift punch to Naruto's noggin.

"Hn, that's idiotic," Sasuke muttered dismissively, turning away. "I have no interest in that."

Naruto and Sakura exchanged glances, both slightly taken aback by Sasuke's nonchalance. "Today's mission is done. I'm heading home," Sasuke announced, prompting Sakura to nod in agreement, albeit adding in her thoughts, 'But, ugh, it does sound kind of fun.'

As Sasuke started to walk away, he called out to the amethyst eyed girl, "Y/N, let's go."

Sasuke glanced over at Y/N, silently beckoning her. "Y/N?"

Looking serious and coming up with a clever excuse, Y/N chimed in, "Sasuke, I think it could be beneficial training for us to challenge Kakashi-sensei."

Sasuke's eye twitched, realizing Y/N's ulterior motive. Without missing a beat, he grabbed her wrist and swiftly began dragging her along, a bead of sweat forming on his brow.


Naruto, still wearing that unsettling grin, continued with an air of suspense, "Maybe... he has lips like cod roe."

As soon as the words left Naruto's mouth, Sasuke froze in his tracks, his mind instantly conjuring up the most absurd mental images of their enigmatic sensei's face. Y/N, caught off guard, choked on air, trying to suppress her laughter but failing as she regained her composure.

The notion of Kakashi having peculiar lips echoed in Sasuke's mind, making him question his earlier dismissal of the situation. He found himself mentally wandering through a series of bizarre scenarios, each more comical than the last.

Naruto couldn't help but chuckle sneakily, seeing Sasuke's evident discomfort. "Or perhaps... a set of buckteeth?"

Sasuke, now fully halted, felt an involuntary shiver run down his entire body. His imagination ran wild, envisioning Kakashi with a set of comically oversized teeth, an image that both amused and unnerved him.

Meanwhile, amidst Naruto's playful speculations and Sasuke's shivers, Y/N's mind wandered in an entirely different direction, her expression remaining stoic despite the amusement bubbling within her.

In her mind's eye, Kakashi's concealed lower face transformed into an assortment of bizarre yet strangely comical possibilities. She envisioned Kakashi sporting an array of eccentric facial hair styles—ranging from a curly mustache that seemed to have a life of its own to an exaggeratedly bushy beard that could rival even the wildest mountain hermit.

Despite the absurdity of her musings, Y/N's stoic facade remained steadfast, her imagination limited solely to the obscured lower half of Kakashi's face. Her mind's playful excursion, hidden behind an expressionless exterior, provided her with a secret amusement that only she could appreciate.


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