Chapter 1

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Its a dark and lonely highway, cool wind in her hair. Oh stop its not the Eagles song Hotel California but a lone 17 year old girl driving to a far away place. Rose Water aka the lost and lonely girl driving her beat up truck to a town far away from where she lived by the sea. The move was not her choice. She had been living with her parents until they where told some long lost aunt left them every thing. They made plans to move to the aunts house together but things did not work out that way. On the way back from reserving a moving truck for their things Her parents died in a head on collation. Leaving poor Rose to fend for her self. Thou she is not a damsel is distress type of female she was lost to her grief. Rose soon reaches her new home when she gets a text from the Lawyer saying he will meet her and the local Sheriff at her new home. She waits out side the garage doors feeling like she was being watched or someone was stocking  her. She turns  to look around  and sees a sheriff cruiser  pull up next to her truck.

Rose stood there in awe of the two men who are sitting in the cruiser. The driver whom she assumed to be the sheriff had a nice short brown hair that made some girls want to run her figures threw with a sharp face to make his piecing crystal blue eyes. You could tell just by  the size of his shoulders that he was a large man while the man next to him was just as large in shoulders and just as hansom with blonde hair and emerald green eyes. Then she snaps out of he daze hitting her self to stop her from imagining very dirty bed thing which is bad, very bad. 

The blonde emerge from the car and said," Hey Rose, what is wrong?"

Rose looked at the two men walking closer to her and replied," Oh, nothing just  normal teen girl stuff. So who has my housekeys ?"

"That would be me. I am Sheriff Dale Brook." says the brown hair god of a man who is extending his hand out . Rose just looked at the hand and did not move or say a thing.

"Well lets get inside, I will get to why we are here and give you your paper work." says the blonde looking greek god of a man. He knocks on the door and a strange looking person opens the door." Rose Water meet the house caretaker Robin Goodfellow."

"As in Puck from a Midsummers night?" asked Rose. A little surprised that some one is named for her favorite character of Shakespeare while a nagging feeling in the back of her mind keeps saying something but not quiet sure what it is.

"Name is passed down in the family as kind of a joke or homage to  Shakespeare." stated Robin," So Mr. Fin is this girl my charge now?"

"Yes, Ms. Waters is the only living relation of the late Mrs. Pack." Mr. Fin informs Robin.

" So Ms. Waters I will be taking care of you and the house from now on. If you need any thing just ask and I will try my best to comply with your needs." suggested Robin. Trying His best to make Rose comfortable being in a new place.

Rose replied," Thanks, but I don't really need any thing right now."

Robin comes back with ," You will and when that time comes I will be here for you, but for now I will go and make tea for every one." And with that Robin left the room Rose assumes to go to the kitchen.

" Let's sit in the living room and wait for Robin to get back then we can give you a run down of stuff.", says Fin. " Okay ," replies Rose.

The living room was a collection of Victorian furniture with lace dollies all over them. Rose remarked," Wow my aunt had some taste in furniture." The room fell silent as they wait for Robin to return. Robin finally came in with a serving trolley of tea and sandwiches. 

The Sheriff cleared his throat and says," SO you know Rose by law we have to have you in school. I ask that you don't cause trouble and that you be home by 9 pm. At least until your 18th birthday."

Robin then butts in," I have sign you into school and your classes star Monday."

Rose looks at Robin hesitantly," Really, that soon? No chance of getting settled in before that?"

" Also, I am your tutor to help get you up to the schools speed." states Robin with an air of smugness for some reason or another.

Rose responds," Okay ."

Fin say," Here are your credit cards and bank card. They are all connected to the account that has your inheritance  from both parents and your aunt. Do not let any one under any circumstance know your bank balance." He hands Rose a business envelope with the items inside. Rose takes the envelope and and opens while checking content. 

Rose," Its that big?" A little shook that she was left so much at just 17.

Sheriff," Yep, your aunt owned most of the town at one point in time,"

Rose was little more than shocked. Fin tried to impart," So don't go telling people exactly who you are . For your safety, Okay. Please!"

Rose," Alright any thing else that I need to know?"

Fin," Yes, I ask that any big purchase get okayed by me first please."

Rose asked," What could I buy that would considered big?"

 Sheriff," Oh an house, car, a sex slave." He says with a straight face while Rose looked at him in shocked.

Rose," There is no way in hell I would buy a sex slave!" she shouted at the Sheriff. However Rose could not believe a police officer was telling her such things.

Fin says while," Calm down he is just pulling your chain." he gave the sheriff a look of dis-approval." Any ways a big purchase is over 2 grand in one spot."

Rose thinking out loud," The only thing I can think of spending that much money on is clothes or food."

Puck," Speaking of which we will go shopping , oh Fin I plan on redesigning the house for Rose."

Fin," SO what is your style Rose?"

Rose," I am not sure."

Puck," Then we'll do some window shopping to find your style. Oh you can go any where in the house except the basement."

Rose asked," Why?"

Puck," Mainly I live down there. So if you can't find me just knock  on the basement door and I'll come up as soon as I can."

Rose," Okay fine . Any thing else?"

Fin," Not off hand, Sheriff?"

Sheriff," Nope other than any thing happens call."

Puck says," Then I will show you to your room ." As they travel up a winding staircase. 

The house has several levels and almost at the top is Rose's great room. The room has a California King bed made with large dresser and couch with a very large flat screen TV. But the only thing Rose wants to do is look out the bay window over looking a forest behind her backyard however the lingering feeling of her being watched leave Rose in a state of unease.

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