Chapter 12

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In the moment that Rose was taken she was surrounded by darkness so deep that it even blanketed the light that was hers. Rose wondered around looking for anything . All of a sudden there was a flash and she was inside a cave like room. It reminded her of the movie Legend, the room was lite by dark torch fire that shown off the dark jewelry in open trunks spread around the room. As she walked further into the room a manikin dressed in a black spider web dress came dancing towards her. Rose started thinking that this dark god must have seen the movie or is some how related to that evil creature. Then she said out loud," This is so clique." So unlike the movie Rose walked by the entrapments because her light was strong within her. She soon came upon a dinning table with a throne at one end for the dark god. Rose feeling tired looked for a place to rest that was not at the able when she notice a little nook that had a fire place with plush chairs on either side with a fire lite in the hearth as black as all the things in the dark gods lair. As she sits she runs the every thing at that it was so like Legend the movie it was almost laughable. Then out of no where the Dark God comes into the room. He jesters to a chair at the table as he ascends to  his throne saying," Come sit and dine with me."

Rose," No thank you."

Dark god," Why not?" as he slams his hand against the stone table." We have wine and food, all you need to do is sit and chat with me."

Rose not looking at the Dark God says," Still no. I know this trick almost to well. Did the master help you to make this place?"

Dark God," No this place was once an Uncle's of mines lair. When he was banished I come here time to time."

Rose," Well this is like in a movie I have seen. Even the black dress you tried to entice me with is from that story."

Dark God looked at Rose and was amused," Is there really a story about my Uncle's banishment?"

Rose replies," Maybe the movie was called Legend."

The Dark god using his dark powers found the movie and had it play it quick in his mind. He laughs out  and says," Well Rose it is quite similar to my Uncle's banishment,  however unicorns did not take part in it  in any way."

Rose," Well that is good for your family I guess. But I will not join you or that guy called Master."

Dark God," You don't need to join. This place will change you to the dark. All we have to do is wait."

Rose," My light will never go out!"

Dark God," Oh I know that. This place will just make it into a dark light. That which I can control."

Rose," I will never let that happen!"

 Dark God," It is happening as we speak. With out your mate and your watch  dogs this place will change your light."

Rose smerks to herself," Who said I don't have a mate?"

At that very moment the room went bright . Almost blinding Rose but it blinded the Dark God, then it was gone and there stood Rose's parents with 8 other gods of light. Rose ran to her parents calling out to them," MOM, DAD!" They open their arms to her and hug her when she embraced them. The Dark God sneared and says," SO you all found me whoopy do. Now all of you are trapped here."

Rose's parents lash out with their power sending the Dark God flying back. Rose's mother states," You can never hold us in this dark place!" Together the gods of light unleashed their powers on the Dark god destroying him. Then they flashed back to Rose's parents place.

Rose's father says," My darling daughter you come so far yet your journey has a long way to go."

Rose," I understand now Dad."

 Roses  mom," Oh sweet girl I am going to miss you."

Rose," I am going to miss you too mom, but I need to get back to my mates."

Lilly," Once you are back the spell that blocks your mating will be gone and all this should be on the good side."

Rose," Nothing is set in stone. Hey is  the master still tripped in that cave?"

Lilly," Yes, for the rest of his life."

Rose," He wont be able to absorbed the power in the cave right?"

Lilly," We never know what father time and his crew has planned for us, however for now the master is a mute point. Now is the time to return to your mates. I'll stop in once in a while to check on the babies."

Rose's parents," BABIES!"

Lilly," Oh, yea she already mated and conceived. So she carries the next  Triade."

Rose," Shit! The guys don't know yet and your telling my parents,LILLY!"

Rose's parents," We're going to be grandparents?"

Rose Dad," I think I should have a chat with your mates about getting you gregnet to soon. You haven't finished high school."

Rose,' Shit! School, I forgotten about that as well. Dang I've been  busy with al this dark God and master shit. I hope I passed my classes." After she said that there was a flash and she wa back in her own room in her own home.

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