Chapter 10

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When Rose woke up the Triade was not in the bed. Wondering where they are she used the link and said," Where are my mates? I am awake and all alone in our bed." After that was said the three males stomped to the bed. She giggles and asks," Why did you leave me to wake up all alone?"

Jake replies thoughtfully," We thought we would give you some alone time."

Bone added," But really we went and looked at our mate marks."

Rose excited about what it could be says," Oh really? Can I see it too?"

The three turn  their backs to her and she saw the mark on their right shoulder.  The mark was a tattoo of a grey moon surrounding a owl in flight over a red fox and black wolf next to each other. Rose stares at it in awe, then says," Oh how pretty! They are all the same. Can you check to see if I have one as well?"

She then leans forward as Luke come over saying," Alright sweet heart." He looks and just like them she has the same mark on her right shoulder," Yep you have the same one as well. In the same spot."

Just then  Puck comes in and says," Good morning all. Now that Rose is awake, chop, chop you all need to get ready for the ball."

Rose confused ask," Is that today?"

Puck," Yes. Now gentlemen get lost. Rose go and shower then  we have hair and make up on the way here!"

Rose complains," But I am too tired. These three kept me up most of the night."

Puck," Yea yea don't I know it."

Jake confused says," Hey, one you know you liked it, and two How could you hear it Puck? You where in the basement?"

Puck," All of you are too loud. That or I have great hearing. By the way Rose how are you feeling really?"

Rose," I know my place and purpose now."

Puck," Good because your about to become the Leader of all the supernatural's in this town along with all the mortals who know about us." 

Rose," Great no pressure right!"

Puck," Yea right any way."

Bone," Please stop and let us bask in the moment."

Rose," No time, I need to tell you guys about my plan to take down the Dark God and the master. However you might not like it." So Rose explains her plan and as expected the Triade didn't like it one bit, but what could they really do? They are her mates and she is the goddess in control of this town now." I believe they will strike at the ball tonight."

Puck," We can take counter measures."

Rose,"  No need, I want them to attack me then."

Jake," But we are to be mated by then."

Rose," That is why I need to hide it, it gives them false hope of controlling me. I will end them as my first act as the guardian gatekeeper of this town."

Luke," You sure about this? We can find another way to take them down."

Rose," No it has to be tonight or else they will keep being a pain in our back sides. This needs to end. However we will have to protect the humans."

Bone," The humans? Why?"

Rose," Yes the humans, because they are humans."

Luke," Does that include the master?"

Rose," Yes but you guys can contain him and his group with out harming them."

Luke," But whats the fun in that!"

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