Chapter 4

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Oh what a birthday for Rose. Rose arrives at the club with ease. It looks normal on the outside but you never know what it is really like on the inside. Rose walks in and notices her friends at the bar getting drinks. Rose calls out to them," Hey Clover River!"

They turn and smile a fake smile at Rose. River replies," Hey Rose glad you made it."

Rose smiles and says," Of course I only turn 18 once right?"

Clover and River exclaimed," Yep and your going to do it in style!"  They start to order drinks however Rose's where spiked with controlling spells and hypnotic drugs. While on the other side of the club the mysterious Master watches and waits, buying his times before he strikes and takes what he wants from Rose and makes her his personal slave for life. This wicked being knows not what he is messing with. Greed has taken a hold of his blackened heart  and leads him down a path of his own destruction. As the hour of midnight draws closer and closer he signals  the girls to take Rose to the room that they have set up to tie her up and the master can do as he pleases. The girls drag Rose to the room and chain her up. 

Else where Puck looks at the time and becomes distressed at that Rose has not returned. He calls out to the council to help him find Rose before the stroke of midnight. For at that moment is when Rose's power will be unleased and she will be told  of her purpose in this life. The council that comes together  are the Rose's lawyer, the sheriff, and representees of the vampire clan, the werewolf clan, the fairy king's realm, and a rep of the witch and wizards. They came together very quickly for time is  accentual. Usually it takes a long time but because of Rose every one of them was close at hand for she is now going to be their leader not unlike a queen of all supernatural's granted the kingdom is nothing more than a town, a rather large town. As the midnight hour is closer the triad appeared before the council and asked," what is going on?"

Puck states," We are here due to the fact the new goddess is coming into her powers, but she is not protected at all right now."

Brother 1 asked with worry," There is a new goddess? Who?"

Puck: Who do you think it is werewolf clan leader?

Brother 2: Not our mate?! Can't be she is human as far as she smells.

He states while his other brothers gasp as they take in the knowledge they have a goddess as a mate and is in danger right that moment. Brother 1 & 2 let out a growl and roar because they are being held in a meeting instead of out finding their mate.

Puck: Go find her and bring her back before midnight or else all hell will brake loose on this town!

Brother 1 turns and looks at his brothers and says: Let us go hunt down our mate and claim what is ours!

Brother 3: I have a good idea where she is so the hunt shouldn't take to long!

Brother 3: Then lets run and bring hell to any who stand in our way!

All the while the brothers search the club Rose was changed up and suspended nearly naked before a man with a dark heart. The Master: Now is the hour close at hand. I will become immortal and you my dearest Rose shall be my eternal slave to do my bidding.

Rose replies threw the magic haze: I will never bow, grovel, or obey you in any way shape or form. I  I don't know what is going on , but you will never get what you want from me!

Master: Oh don't be so sure about that my dear Rose. I always get what I want!

As the clock chimes midnight Rose body disappears from the room just as the brothers arrived to save her. They bang on the door but when it breaks open the is neither Rose or the Master in the room.      

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