Chapter Part 6

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After Rose ate her breakfast she came down to the living room which has been updated to her taste. She hears the guys talking and when she comes in they stop chatting. They looked up to take in Rose in her night cloths. Rose questioning," What where you guys discussing?"

 Bone smiled at Rose and says," Well we where discussing moving arrangements."

Rose with a look of confusion," What? Huh?"

Jake taking her hand leads her to sit between him and Luke. Then says," We are mates so we need to live together instead of us trying to find a new place for all of us to live, we all can live right here right now. in another words we would like to move in with you here to live if that is alright with you my love?"

Looking around Rose gives a questionable answer," Okay? Um do we share a room?"

Luke takes her hand kiss it and says," No, we can wait until you allow us to mark you. Then we can share but until then we three will take rooms a level down from yours."

"This house is an old pack house so no worries about our needs. Thought I see Puck redid the basement part of the home." says Jake.

Rose smiles and says," Wait don't tell me that was the prison?"

Jake laughs and states," Oh no it was where the omegas of my pack lives. We have quite a few of them since we started taking fallen packs. They now take care of most of the dirty jobs but get the most respect for it."

Rose question," Are they treated fairly?"

Bone smiled a little and says," Don't worry no one harms them and if they do we warn that person because if they omega's get upset that person might go with out food or clean clothes or other things for as long as the omega is upset with them." They all chuckle at that thought. Rose saw and heard the chuckles and a thought accrued to her so she asked," Oh did it happened before?"

Luke with a cheeky smile," Yea, one pup that thought he was all that and a bag of chips. Tried to order the omega's around like he own the place. He was put in his place when her tried to complain about the omega's not doing his laundry and not giving him any food."

Then Jake in put," I sat that guy down and reminded him who the Alpha is and why we respect all our pack not just the higher ups."

Then Bone says," The pup ended up on house duty for a month plus extra patrol duties for him pissing off not just Alpha but also the Clan and the Covent leaders."

Rose looked shocked that the three and says," Wow, so he pissed all of you off then? Is he even still alive?"

Jake says," Yes he is though he is now in charge of patrol of the town."

Rose asks," Not the Sheriff right?"

Bone says," No, but one of the deputies."

Rose feeling relived but still out of sorts," So we live together does that mean that the  Pack, The Clan, and The Covent is moving in as well?"

Luke," No its just us three, but once we mate and mark you. You will be introduced publicly to every one as our mate."

Then a thought occurred to Rose," You know the females in school are going to give me more grief at the fac t that I am mated to all of you!"

Luke," Yea we saw some of that already happening."

Rose," Oh so you where the ones to tell the goth girl to protect me?"

Bone." No she did that on her own. I talked with her afterwards and she said one she never liked those girls, and two her magic told her she needed to help you."  

Rose," So magic can act as a guide to right and wrong for people?"

Jake," In some cases yes and in others no."

Bone," We are getting off topic here. Rose we would like to talk about the mate bond and marking."

Rose," Um how will that work?"

Jake," Its the mate bond. Each of us have it with you, however you will only have sparks with me and Luke. Bone only has magic but still changes forms."

Luke," And when you are ready Jake and I will mark you which means we will find your sweet spot on your neck and bite. It will only hurt for a few moments. Then we will be able to link our minds to yours."

Bone," While I can't mark you but I will place a special rune on you over your heart  that will link us together."

Rose." Does your brothers have a link to you already?"

Bone," We are of the same blood so we can link each other no problem." He stop then thinks," We have another problem bro's."

Jake," What is it?"

Bone," We have three very different groups we have to meld into one for our little goddess here. Also the introduction ball has to be planned!"

Jake and Luke," Oh Shit!"

Rose," What is a introduction ball?"

Puck speaks up," It is the ball where the new goddess of the town is introduced. Have no worries I will deal with planning it. I will leave what to wear up to you guys."

Rose," Oh no! More shopping."

Bone," What you don't like shopping?"

Rose," Yea I don't like it."

Jake," Don't worry well get you some help shopping for the prefect dress."

Rose," I know this is off topic again but how will you guys mark me? One at a time or all together?" 

Bone," Any way you want they bite, me I will put a rune over your heart while kissing you. And again it will happen any way you want our dear mate."

Rose," That is nice and all but I have to live for us to bond right."

Luke," Yea, but no one is touching you again. You are protected by us now."

Rose," What about all three fan clubs? Once it comes out I am your guys mate I swear the female population of the school will try and kill me!"

 As the Triad tries to calm Rose down  and all the while on the other side of town a mortal man is throwing a child fit. The master ," She should of been unable to move. How did she get loose and how did the Triad found us?"

River," Master we  don't know. We put charms all around the room ." She says as she hangs from the beams in the master underground prison. Clover that is hanging next to her covered in bruises and cuts groans as another hit of a whip sends her swinging. In a fit of anger  the master takes a silver knife to both. Cutting at them until they are bleeding . All of a sudden the room is filled with black smoke. It almost chokes all in the room. Once  the smoke cleared back into the dark being that stood in the room. This Dark or Demon god stood before the Master. God," You could never get the guardian, you miserable mortal." The god makes the master to convulse in pain at his will," I however will kill her and take my rightful place as ruler of all supernatural's in this world." He stops the pain he gave the master," You shall kneel before me and worship me and do my bidding. I will bring such darkness the world has never known."

Master," Um that is a little to much last century kind of talk. I will help you take over but I want Rose as my personal fuck toy/slave."

God," We will hash out that later. So you have how many subordinates?" 

Master," A good few though with you we might get more. It seems some of them long for sex and power."

God," You are right the supernatural's have a laws stating no sex until  they find a mate after they are of age which means no sex until they are 18 years old."

Master," That is fucked up and very short sided of them." As the dark god and master chatted River and Clover  died, they soon turn to ash on the floor. Master looks over and says," Oh well I need new play toys now." They sat and plan their next move where and when they next strike and all this takes time.

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