Chapter 13

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Rose started to calling out for her mates or Puck. They where not in the house. Then Rose thought about the mindlink.  She reached out to them and simply said," I am home." It took all of them 5 minutes to realize that Rose spoke to them, then another 5 minutes to get back to the house. So Rose waited for them in the living room. When they stampieded in the front door the Triade was hit with scent from mating  a long with three other faint smells mixed with her's. They stopped right at her feet and all three fell to their knees and said as one," You're pregnant with my child!"

Rose," Yes, but they are still newly forming. I am less than a week pregnant." As she says this men start kissing her all over, making her giggle. 

Puck walks in and asked," Thank the fuck, is the Dark God gone?"

Rose," Yes the gods of light have dealt with him. The Master is stuck in the fallen gods lair. With him  being mortal I don't think we have any thing to fear from him."

Puck," Thank goodness!"

Bone," Yea right."

Jake," As long as our family is safe I am happy."

Luke," Now all we have to worry about are the babies."

Puck," Um you have more to worry about than just those babies."

Jake," What is that suppose to mean?"

Puck," Well you all have to check the portals constantly  among other duties."

Bone," Yea we know that."

Puck," And you know she is not going to have a very long pregnantice right!"

The Triade and Rose,"WHAT!"

 Rose," You mean I will blow up really fast!!!"

Puck," OH I don't think it will be really fast, but between three to four months."

Rose," Why, how huh?"

Puck," Because you carry 4 different blood lines in your kids. I personally don't know how they will turn out."

Luke," Meaning?"

Puck," Well they could all be hybrids."

Triade and Rose," Hybrids! "

Puck," Yep."

Rose," Oh the fun of it all."

The Triade," Good grief!"

Puck," Oh and you have classes tomorrow."

Rose and Triade," Shit!"

Puck," But your in luck it is finals week as well."

Rose," Shit!"

Triade," PUCK!"

 Bone," Fuck you are suck..."

Puck," Yes, I know now go clean up and we will eat. Then it is bed time because Rose needs her rest. It's been too much being pregnant and fighting the bad guys, plus creating life takes a lot out of a female."

Bone," How bad can it get?"

Puck," Well let's just say her harmonies will be out of control. So she might be constantly horny , hungry, or emotional  all at once and every thing in between."

 So over the next couple of months the boys where barely able to function. Puck started picking up their slack because he under stood that things are going badly for them. Rose was constantly horny. Some how she had wanted them constantly every hour or more.

Luke," How can a woman be that horny? I thought we could handle it, but damn." He groused.

Bone," I know I have been using a couple spells to help energize us."

Jake," And yet here we are icing our dicks because she has been constantly riding them."

Rose," Sorry hunnies but these kids of yours seem to be sex feins."

Puck,"We could check that for you."

Rose and the Triade,"Really?!"

Puck,"Yep all we need to do is call Lilly."

Rose," Alright."

A few hours later Lilly comes over. " So what do you need Rose hun?"

Rose," Well I have been really needy too much"

Lilly," How much?"

Puck," Her mates have had to ice their dicks almost constantly. I swear they have frost bite on their cocks." Rose and Lilly giggled at that.

Lilly," I guess you want me to check on them then?"

Puck," Yea check if one or all are sex gods of some kind."

Lilly," okay" she placed her hand over Rose's  belly. She let out her magic powers then she pulled back and said," Well yep all of them are sex gods."

Rose and the Tiade jaws dropped. The shock was boundless for Rose," I have to raise 3 ex hungry boys?"

Lilly," Well they wont be sex crazed until they hit their teens."

Puck," Well I will set up separate locked rooms for them."

Bone," Why?"

Puck," Well the full moon drives wolves crazy, what do you think will happen to a sex crazed wolf? Then you have a sex crazed vampire that will try to drink some one dry while having sex.Not sure about a witch but a sex crazed one might rape a female or male. So they will need to be locked up for the populations safety."

Luck," Good point, thank you Puck."

Rose," I am not sure about locking my children up." 

Puck," Rose it's later on by then you will begging to have them grounded."

Jake," Yea with our genetics you'll wont us to lock them up so you can have a break from them." Rose and Lilly giggled again. All of a sudden Rose felt a pain run over her belly. The first to come out was the next Alpha of their pack. Rose named him Kon, then came out next clan leader Victor , and lastly came Splint the next covent leader of witches. The family cried together even Puck when he came to the realization that he would be babysitting these hellions as they grew.

 Life and love always finds you. Its the journey that makes it fun or painful. Rose lost and found her family on her journey to be all that she could.Now it will e Kon, Victor, and Slint's turn to be all they can be and keep their home town safe. 

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