Chapter 3

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Rose has been going to school for a month , during this time Rose started noticing things like the coach yelling at people that they would have to pay to replace the shit they broke. Also when secretin people passed her she felt a swish of air movement , more than what a normal air movement of a person passing by. Rose started to try and process the information  lest of all are the three brothers, they kept popping up at her at every turn. It is starting to freak her out. She is scared to talk about it with any one, not to menschen    people she doesn't know are bowing their heads to her. Then there is the eye change by almost any she keeps running into. Rose keeps mumbling to her self this town is  so strange and weird. Unknowing to her several people have been watching her movements . So they mean good or bad or both? It  will soon be her 18th birthday.

On the flip side a powerful domineering mortal who wants or is greedy for more power , he sits on a thrown that he had custom made for him.  He is sitting there  while his right and hand men rape his slaves for his entertainment. He enjoys their pain and suffering , plus the begging. To say this human is evil would be an understatement. If he was in hell Lucifer would have him as his right hand man and he would stay that way until he found a way to take out Lucifer. After a while of watching them he yelled out" Cum" and all of them except him had a mind blowing orgasm. This is how he can control them, sex was like a drug for supernatural beings. His men did not wear protection and the girls are not on birth control. He wants them pregnant and give birth to more supernatural slaves for him. He speaks." So slaves did  you enjoy your reward for a job well done?"

Clover and River respond with smiles and groveling at his feet. Him," I want you two to make sure she is in the dungeon for her birthday. I will claim her and have what I want."

Clover and River," Yes master. Any thing you want master. " As they are flogged at their masters feet.   

The next day while Clover and River where discussing their plans to get Rose out to a party at the Dungeon  a whisp or small fairy over heard them  and flew with all its might to the Triads side. Once calm it replayed what it heard and saw.

Brother 1," We must save mate!" he growled ferally which made those who where around him cower in slight fear.

Brother 2," Shouldn't we wait it out since she is the guardian of the town?" said in his carelessness.

Brother 3," Its not for sure she is however it is for sure she is our mate and some one is trying to steal her from us. So no we have to be there for her." in a tone that meant do as I say its for the best. 

Mean while Rose is coming to terms that she has moved to a weird place on earth because of all the stuff happening to her. What I mean is her un-knowing mates pack, Covent, and coven where being nice, protective, and friendly with her. Even if she didn't know their names, like one time she almost fell down on a set of bleachers when it looked like no one was there when all of a sudden a teacher she did not know catch her before she face planted. Another time was when some mean girls tried to pick on her out of no where some goth females came over and threaten  then with hexes and voodoo. Then there was this one time in gym class where they where doing laps in the school swimming pool when all of a sudden she was being pulled under. This time she was saved by  some of the swim team and the culprits dragged from the pool and sent to the principles office in just their speedos. If she was not so traumatized by near drowning she might have appreciated the firm butts of her saviors.

About lunch time River and Clover searched for Rose. They looked all over but found her in the library reading fairy tails. " Hey Rose what are you going to do for your birthday?", asked River in tone that meant we are going to have you surprised.

Rose replies in a confused tone," Not sure. The only people  I could share it with is Robin."

Clover suggested," Why not come party with us? I know this great underground club. You can get in free because its your birthday."

" Really?" asked Rose skeptic about it all," But I am not old enough to drink."

River calms her doughs, " It is not that type of club, but they do serv drinks but nothing alcoholic ones."  

Clove chimes in with," It also has a unique ambience."

Rose replies carefully," Really and we wont get into trouble for going to it?"

River and Clover say together," Yes!"

  Rose then replies," Okay I guess we could go."

With that the girls jump up and down while holding each others hands in excitement.

Time Skip

Rose is about to leave the house when Robin catches her," Where are you going?" He asked her in a stearin voice.

Rose turns around and says," Out to dinner with friends tonight since you planned some thing for tomorrow."

Robin did not want to hold you back from making friends and stuff said," Alright don't stay out too late. I want you home and in bed by 11 okay?"

Rose replies with a smile on her face," Okay, than you Robin."

Robin watches as Rose leaves the house to her friends. Then he   whispers out ," I hope nothing goes wrong and you come home safe. If not all hell is going to break loose and I have not enough power in me to stop it of slow it down."

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